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Belgium’s tourism rebounds with record-breaking overnight stays

Brussels (The Brussels Morning Newspaper) - Traveller overnight stays reached record numbers in Belgium in…

EU takes Hungary to task of rule of law

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper) - Hungary has come under fire from the EU in the…

Geopolitical Shifts in the Caucasus: the cases of Azerbaijan and Armenia

England (Brussels Morning Newspaper) The geopolitical landscape of the Caucasus is undergoing significant changes as…

Polio in Gaza: First Outbreak in 25 Years

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper) The EU has called for an “immediate humanitarian pause” to enable…

Lasted World News

NATO to speed up Afghanistan evacuations

Brussels (Brussels Morning) A NATO official announced plans to speed up evacuations from Afghanistan and added that roughly 18,000 people…

Stoltenberg focuses on the failure of the Afghan political class

Brussels (Brussels Morning) Following on the footsteps of US President Biden, NATO’s Secretary General focused on the failure of the…

Lithuania accuses Belarus of pushing migrants across border

Brussels (Brussels Morning) Lithuania has accused Belarus of illegally pushing migrants across the border on Tuesday, with Minsk rejecting the…

Three killed in Jalalabad anti-Taliban protest

Brussels (Brussels Morning) Three people were killed at an anti-Taliban protest in Jalalabad on Wednesday, according to three witnesses, one…

HRW report lists Hamas’ war crimes in Israel

Brussels (Brussels Morning) Global rights organisation Human Rights Watch (HRW) published its second report in two weeks on the 11-day…

UAE – Saudi strategic competition rises beyond oil and geopolitics

Paris (Brussels Morning) The recent public spat within OPEC laid bare the increasing divergence of strategic vision and scope between…

HRW report blames Lebanese officials for deadly Beirut blast

Brussels (Brussels Morning) A damning report by Human Rights Watch (HRW), published on Tuesday, claims that top Lebanese officials had…

Role of Women in Sustainable Peace for Inclusive Development and Economic Security

Islamabad (Brussels Morning) Throughout history, women have played a pivotal role in shaping the future. Whether it is the freedom…

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