Stella Athanasoulia

Stella is the Brussels Morning France and Middle East Correspondent. She is a former BBC Middle East analyst and is a specialist in the Arab World, trained in SciencesPo and Aix-Marseille.
9 Articles

UAE – Saudi strategic competition rises beyond oil and geopolitics

Paris (Brussels Morning) The recent public spat within OPEC laid bare the increasing divergence of strategic vision and…

Pegasus Project: The UAE conduct “industrial scale surveillance”

Paris (Brussels Morning)  Data analysis from the Pegasus project suggests that the United Arab Emirates government has used…

lessons from the French regional elections first round

Paris (Brussels Morning) It was the lowest turnout in the history of French elections, bar referendums, that saw…

Lily of the valley: the official French labour day flower

Paris (Brussels Morning) It’s a tradition that precedes the origins of Labour Day but have become a synonym…

Syria’s sham presidential election amidst economic, health crises

Paris (Brussels Morning) Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will be the candidate to his own succession at the presidential election…

Lebanon’s steady disintegration

Paris (Brussels Morning) Lebanon still has no government, more than seven months after a devastating explosion at the…

10 years after the Arab Spring: ‘Libya proves the EU is not a serious geopolitical actor’

In the latest of the Brussels Morning 10 years after the Arab Spring series, Tarek Magerisi explains the…

EU Parliament urges review of relations with Egypt

Brussels (Brussels Morning) MEPs have call for a “unified and resolute” response to Egypt’s crackdown of human rights…

The many legal troubles of Nicolas Sarkozy

Paris (Brussels Morning) Former French president Nicola Sarkozy stands accused of trying to obtain classified information from a…