Tag: MEP

Slovenian presidency: a story of courage and success

Brussels (Brussels Morning) In the year marking its second EU Presidency, Slovenia celebrates 30 years of independence. As…

Regulating Digital Labour: A challenge for Democracy, a fight for the people.

A well-founded optimism? Brussels (Brussels Morning) There is a certain optimism for the eventual coming of a post-pandemic…

New European Bauhaus

Brussels (Brussels Morning) Last September, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Commission’s president launched an…

The Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU – The First Illiberal presidency

Brussels (Brussels Morning) On July 1st, Slovenia took over the rotating Presidency of the Council of the EU.…

The Digital Euro is not an option, but a necessity for Europe

Brussels (Brussels Morning) The financial market is changing. Crypto assets have outgrown their niche and are becoming increasingly…

Three decades fighting for Antarctica

Grace O’Sullivan MEP and the fight for Marine Protected Areas in the Antarctic OceanBrussels (Brussels Morning) Not long…

Minimum income: our proposal to make Europe fairer

Brussels (Brussels Morning) The minimum wage is a threshold above which there is dignity, below which there is…

Alleged fraud concerning EU Funds: the Mafia trials

Brussels (Brussels Morning) I am glad that in the European Parliament we are talking about mafias, in the…

Time to examine Ursula von der Leyen’s performance

Brussels (Brussels Morning) ‘Sofagate’ now seems a distant memory. A few weeks later, however, now that the dust…

Armenian expectations from the new Israeli government

St. Andrews (Brussels Morning) The formation of the new government and the fall of the longstanding prime minister,…

The progressive vision of the post-covid era

Athens (Brussels Morning) We have gone through - and still confront - a crisis that has changed everything around…

The European Public Prosecutor will review the Czech Prime Minister’s conflicts of interest

Brussels (Brussels Morning) For more than three years, the Pirate Party has been asking the European Commission to…

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