Monday, July 1, 2024

Juliette Boulet News

Juliette Boulet

Juliette Boulet, a prominent environmental activist and political figure, has garnered significant news coverage for her tireless advocacy for more robust ecological policies and sustainability initiatives. Boulet was born on January 14, 1981.Read more
Her journey into environmental activism began during her academic pursuits, where she obtained a degree in journalism from ULB (Université libre de Bruxelles) and a Diploma of Specialised Studies in Interdisciplinary Analysis of European Construction.

Juliette Boulet's news coverage encompasses various contexts and topics, reflecting her multifaceted involvement in environmental activism, politics, and policymaking. Her engagements often intersect with various socio-political issues, including environmental policy, social-economic changes, international cooperation, and critiques of governmental actions.

The news highlights Boulet's participation in protests or campaigns aimed at advocating for more robust environmental policies. The events occur in different locations across Belgium or internationally, drawing attention to environmental concerns such as air quality, renewable energy adoption, or climate change mitigation.

Boulet's role as a political figure, whether as a former federal Member of Parliament or in her current position as deputy chief of staff to the Walloon Minister of the Environment, Céline Tellier, garners media attention. Her statements, actions, and policy initiatives are closely scrutinised, with news articles analysing her positions on environmental issues, her interactions with other political actors, and her efforts to influence policymaking processes.

Boulet's involvement in international forums, conferences, or collaborations related to environmental sustainability and climate change further expands the scope of news coverage. Reports detail her participation in global discussions, meetings with international stakeholders, or efforts to promote Belgium's role in addressing transnational environmental challenges.

Critiques of governmental actions or policies, national or international, are common themes in news articles featuring Boulet. Her statements or responses to government decisions regarding environmental issues are highlighted, providing insights into her perspectives on the adequacy or inadequacy of existing policies and the need for more ambitious measures to address environmental concerns.


Juliette Boulet is born in Liège, Belgium.


Completes her studies in Political Science at the Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain).


Begins her political career by joining the Socialist Party (PS).


Elected as a member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives, representing the province of Liège.


Re-elected to the Chamber of Representatives.


Continues her tenure as a member of the Chamber of Representatives after the federal elections.


Advocates for social justice and environmental sustainability within the Chamber of Representatives.


Leads initiatives to address economic inequalities and promote gender equality.


Represents the interests of her constituents in Liège, focusing on healthcare, education, and employment.


Boulet remains dedicated to her political duties, striving to improve the lives of people in Liège and contribute to legislative efforts at the national level.

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A protest by Greenpeace activists in Doel, Belgium, against the restart of the Doel 3 nuclear reactor and the life extension of Doel 1 and 2. Read more
Activists hung a banner on an electric tower with the slogan "How big is yours?" to draw attention to the 13,000 micro-cracks found in the Doel 3 reactor on the second day of the protest. Greenpeace project manager Juliette Boulet mentioned that the police and power company had noticed the protest but took no action as long as the activists didn't climb higher. The protest included camping on a 40-meter-high platform and a social media campaign encouraging people to share images of everyday cracks. The event occurred on Wednesday, March 25, 2015, in Doel, Belgium.

Juliette Boulet discussed the air quality measurement campaign conducted in Wallonia. The event took place on September 17, 2018. Boulet emphasised the importance of analysing air quality in urban areas, highlighting potential pollution problems. She stated that there are real pollution problems, particularly in the hearts of cities. Boulet described the methodology of the campaign, where citizens in urban areas placed tubes to measure air quality. She explained the significance of the initiative, stating that it is a vital subject and that the most important consequences are for the population's health. Boulet addressed concerns about the representativeness of existing measuring stations, emphasising the need for accurate data collection in city centres. She emphasised effectively sharing the results with citizens and politicians to address air quality issues. Boulet's insights were shared during an interview with RTBF.

Juliette Boulet, the spokesperson and project manager at Greenpeace Belgium, concluded her membership with the organisation on August 14, 2020, as she transitioned to her new role as deputy chief of staff to the Walloon Minister of the Environment, Céline Tellier. Boulet, who joined Greenpeace in 2015, began as a Renewable Energy project manager before becoming a political campaigner and spokesperson. In response to her departure, Valerie Del Re, director of Greenpeace Belgium, praised Boulet's ability to communicate complex environmental issues and thanked her for her contributions. Boulet expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to work at Greenpeace, emphasising the organisation's vital role in advocating for a better environment.


Juliette Boulet made a significant statement regarding the urgent need for action in the context of COP21 on December 5, 2015. Her quote underscores the critical nature of climate change and the importance of finding solutions.Read more
Juliette Boulet, a member of Greenpeace and in charge of climate issues, told Euranet Plus member RTBF that "urgent action is needed." Juliette Boulet's active involvement in addressing climate matters at Greenpeace showcases her dedication to advocating urgent action to combat climate change.

Juliette Boulet, the spokesperson for Greenpeace Belgium, expressed her support for the Climate March, emphasising the movement's unstoppable momentum in January 2019. The movement persists until solid policies are implemented, Boulet told the 70,000 people who gathered in Brussels. She highlighted citizens' growing impatience with political inaction, urging politicians to heed their concerns. Boulet criticised the environmental policy of Federal Minister Marie-Christine Marghem, stating, "It’s a bit easy after four years where she could have made a difference." Boulet's remarks underscore the urgency of addressing climate change and policymakers' need for decisive action.

A well-known member of Greenpeace Belgium, Juliette Boulet, participated in a groundbreaking protest with Youth for Climate in April 2020. They used holographic demonstrations to call for a greener recovery policy after COVID-19. She emphasised the need for politicians to heed scientific advice, advocating for an ambitious climate agenda. Boulet stressed, "We can't take to the streets now, but on the eve of the Global Strike, we want our voices to be heard. We demand that politicians listen to scientists, whether it's about Covid-19 or climate change." She highlighted the urgency of a green and fair recovery plan, stating, "The recovery plan for this Covid crisis must be green, social, and fair. We can't and won't return to business as usual." Boulet's engagement underscores her commitment to environmental activism and her role in advocating for sustainable policies.

Who is Juliette Boulet?

Juliette Boulet, born on January 14, 1981, in Namur, Belgium, is a prominent Belgian politician and environmental activist. A deep-seated passion for social justice and sustainability drove her into ecological advocacy and politics. Boulet’s educational pursuits led her to specialise in information and communication, focusing on interdisciplinary analysis of European architecture. Her academic background and innate commitment to environmental causes laid the foundation for future endeavours.

Boulet’s political career began to take shape when she assumed office as a federal member of parliament on June 10, 2007. She tirelessly fought for environmental issues and worked to pass laws that make Belgium’s future greener and more sustainable while in office, which ended in May 2014. Her dedication to the cause was further evidenced by her role as a spokesperson for Greenpeace Belgium, where she served as a vocal advocate for environmental protection and climate action.

Boulet faced problems and opposition in her political and advocacy work but stayed determined to make a difference. Her affiliation with Ecolo, a Belgian political party known for its environmental advocacy, provided her with a platform to amplify her voice and advance her agenda. Boulet’s unwavering commitment to ecological sustainability inspires others and serves as a beacon of hope for a brighter and more sustainable future, despite the complexities of Belgian politics.

Juliette Boulet’s career as a politician and environmental activist in Belgium has been characterised by her unwavering commitment to environmental causes, which she has pursued since her birth on January 14, 1981. Her educational background, political tenure, and advocacy work all reflect her unwavering commitment to creating a greener and more sustainable world for future generations.

Juliette Boulet biography is illustrated in the table below.

Personal Information of Juliette Boulet
Full name Juliette Boulet
Birthday January 14, 1981
Position Deputy Chief of Staff
Political Party Ecolo(Green Party)
Education UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles - Master's in Multidisciplinary Studies of European Construction, Law, Economics, Political Sciences Université libre de Bruxelles - Bachelor's in Communication-Journalism, Journalism and Communication
Position Term Preceded by Succeeded by
Deputy Chief Of Staff Aug 2020 - Present
Spokesperson and Political Campaigner Dec 2017 - Aug 2020
Energy Campaigner 2016
Federal Member of Parliament (Députée Fédérale) Jun 2007 - May 2014
Parliamentary Assistant Dec 2005 - Jun 2007

What is the Political Party of Juliette Boulet?

Juliette Boulet’s political party is the Ecolo (Green Party), a prominent Belgian political party known for its focus on environmentalism and ecological politics. She has been affiliated with Ecolo since June 10, 2007, when she assumed office as a federal member of parliament.

Ecolo’s competitors include members of rival political parties in Belgium, such as the Socialist Party (PS), the Reformist Movement (MR), and the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA). The parties offer alternative policy proposals and ideologies that differ from Ecolo’s focus on environmental sustainability and social justice.

Boulet’s supporters within Ecolo include fellow party members who share her commitment to environmental advocacy and progressive politics. They work together to move Ecolo’s agenda forward and support policies that align with the party’s environmental and political principles.

Boulet has been involved in several protests and activities as an Ecolo member that have contributed to the party’s aims and objectives. It includes advocating for environmental legislation, participating in party meetings and events, and engaging with constituents to address their concerns.

Successes and failures have been part of Ecolo’s history, as they are for any political organisation. Successes in electoral victories, the passage of environmental legislation, and raising awareness about critical issues such as climate change.

Juliette Boulet’s membership in Ecolo reflects her dedication to advancing environmental sustainability and social justice through political channels. She helps shape Ecolo’s ideas and initiatives as a party member, and she works with supporters and other party members to bring about good change in the Belgian environment and politics. Juliette Boulet is dedicated to advancing the Green Party’s Goal of promoting environmental sustainability and addressing pressing ecological challenges through political advocacy and policy initiatives.

What are Juliette Boulet’s main political goals and objectives?

Juliette Boulet’s main political goals and objectives are advocating for environmental sustainability, social justice, and climate action. Boulet’s departure from Greenpeace suggests a transition to a role within government, potentially aiming to influence policymaking directly. Her work with Greenpeace indicates a commitment to holding governments and corporations accountable for their environmental impact, advocating for policies that prioritise the protection of the environment, and addressing pressing climate challenges.

Boulet’s involvement in initiatives such as legal actions against air pollution in Wallonia and Flanders underscores her dedication to addressing environmental issues at the local and regional levels. Her role as a spokesperson for Greenpeace Belgium highlights her commitment to raising awareness about ecological concerns and influencing public discourse on environmental policy.

Boulet’s involvement with lawmakers, protests, legal actions, and public awareness campaigns implies a more systemic objective of promoting policies encouraging renewable energy, biodiversity conservation, and sustainable development. Boulet seeks to influence environmental policy formulation and implementation directly by transitioning to a role within government, potentially advancing her political goals of ecological sustainability and social justice on a larger scale.

Juliette Boulet’s primary political aims are protecting the environment, promoting social justice, and taking action against climate change. She hopes to influence policymakers and bring systemic change to solve these critical environmental problems. Her transition from Greenpeace to a government role suggests a strategic shift in tactics towards achieving these objectives through direct engagement with political institutions and decision-makers.

What is Juliette Boulet’s stance on the current global crisis?

Juliette Boulet’s stance on the current global crisis advocates for urgent and ambitious action to address climate change, considering it one of the most pressing global crises. The Greenpeace organisation has consistently campaigned for climate action, highlighting the urgency of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and implementing policies to limit global warming.

Global climate campaigns led by Greenpeace have sought to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius, per the Paris Agreement. The organisation has called for a rapid phase-out of fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and gas, and a transition to renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power.

Juliette Boulet, Greenpeace spokesperson, regularly urges governments and corporations to act on climate change. The statements emphasise the need for immediate and bold measures to mitigate the impacts of climate change and protect vulnerable communities and ecosystems.

Greenpeace produces research and reports highlighting the scientific evidence of climate change, its consequences, and potential solutions. The publications outline the social, economic, and environmental benefits of transitioning to a low-carbon economy and the risks of inaction.

Greenpeace actively participates in global climate events, such as the United Nations Climate Change Conferences (COP), engaging with policymakers, negotiators, and civil society to advocate for ambitious climate action.

What is Juliette Boulet’s stance on environmental issues?

Juliette Boulet’s stance on environmental issues is evidenced by her involvement in initiatives such as Greenpeace’s legal actions against air pollution in Wallonia and Flanders. The lawsuit aligns with a commitment to addressing pressing environmental challenges and advocating for policies prioritising ecological protection and public health. 

Boulet’s role as a spokesperson for Greenpeace Belgium highlights her dedication to holding authorities accountable for inadequate measures in assessing and addressing air quality in the case of the air pollution lawsuit against the Walloon and Flemish governments. Boulet demonstrates a commitment to ensuring that environmental regulations meet European and regional standards by suing the governments to obtain more representative air quality measures, thus safeguarding citizens’ health and well-being.

Boulet’s emphasis on the disproportionate impact of air pollution on highly urban areas, particularly regarding nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels, underscores her concern for environmental justice and the equitable distribution of environmental benefits and burdens. Her advocacy for more comprehensive air pollution monitoring networks and policies addressing pollution hotspots reflects a broader commitment to addressing systemic ecological issues and promoting sustainable development.

What is the Official Title of Juliette Boulet?

Juliette Boulet’s official title is Deputy Chief of Staff to Céline Tellier, a minister in the Walloon government, a position she has held since August 2020. She oversees the coordination of administrative affairs, policy implementation, and strategic initiatives to advance environmental protection and sustainability goals within the regional government.

Some of Juliette Boulet’s official titles are listed below.

  • Spokesperson and Political Campaigner: Juliette Boulet passionately advocated for environmental causes during her tenure as the Spokesperson and Political Campaigner at Greenpeace Belgium from December 2017 to August 2020, focusing on renewable energy and climate change mitigation. She actively engaged in political campaigning and media relations to raise awareness and drive action on pressing environmental issues.
  • Energy Campaigner: Boulet served as an Energy Campaigner at Greenpeace Belgium in 2016, where she promoted sustainable energy practices and policies to address environmental concerns and contribute to a cleaner, more sustainable future.
  • Federal Member of Parliament (Députée Fédérale): Boulet held important political positions in Belgium before she joined Greenpeace. She was a Federal Member of Parliament (Députée Fédérale) for the Ecolo party in the Hainaut electoral district from June 2007 to May 2014. She served in the parliament for a long time and was involved in many committees, such as groups that dealt with foreign affairs, national defence, European affairs, petitions, and justice.
  • Assistant Parliamentary Officer (Assistante Parlementaire): Boulet worked as an Assistant Parliamentary Officer (Assistante Parlementaire) at the European Parliament in Brussels from December 2005 to June 2007 before her parliamentary career. She contributed to internal and external communication tasks to support the functioning of the parliamentary institution.
  • Communication Team Member (Équipe de Communication Interne et Externe): Boulet gained valuable experience in communication strategies as a Communication Team Member (Équipe de Communication Interne et Externe) at the Fondation Rurale de Wallonie in Namur from October 2004 to December 2005. She played a role in developing and implementing communication strategies for a rural foundation, contributing to its outreach efforts.

What are the Important News about Juliette Boulet?

The important news about Juliette Boulete are listed below.

  • “Greenpeace: Belgium’s governing parties excel at climate sabotage” is news about Greenpeace, which released a report in Belgium on May 9, 2019, criticising the coalition parties’ climate inaction. The survey conducted among candidates from four coalition parties concluded that these parties were hindering progress on environmental matters, terming their actions as “climate sabotage.” Greenpeace spokesperson Juliette Boulet emphasised the findings, noting that many candidates from these parties received negative assessments, particularly CD&V, which failed to provide a clear stance on climate issues. The survey covered various aspects of climate and environmental policies, including global climate governance, legislation, agriculture, transport, and energy. Some parties supported a binding climate law, but most in the governing coalition opposed more drastic measures, such as revising agricultural policies or considering motor vehicle bans. Greenpeace released the report months before the Belgian federal, legislative, and European elections on May 26, 2019, to influence voters by emphasising parties’ climate policies.
  • “Air pollution: Greenpeace sues Wallonia and Flanders” is news about Greenpeace announcing its decision to sue Belgium’s Walloon and Flemish governments over inadequate air quality measures on March 26, 2018. Greenpeace remained unconvinced and proceeded with legal action despite Environment Ministers Carlo Di Antonio and Joke Schauvliege’s assurances. Juliette Boulet, Greenpeace’s spokeswoman, highlighted concerns about the lack of representative air pollution measurements, particularly for nitrogen dioxide. The organisation emphasised the need for authorities to address the “urban canyon” effect, where pollution accumulates in highly urban areas. Greenpeace called for urgent action, including new emergency plans for air quality in affected regions such as Antwerp. 
  • “Second day of protest in Doel for Greenpeace campaigners” is news about Greenpeace activists in Doel, Belgium, who staged a demonstration on March 25, 2015, to draw attention to microcracks in the Doel 3 power station nuclear reactor. Juliette Boulet served as the protest’s leader. Perched on a 40-meter-high platform, they displayed a banner reading, “How big is yours?” to emphasise the issue. The previous day, activists spent the night on a 170-meter-high electric pylon, aiming to draw attention to the government’s energy policy and oppose the restart of Doel 3 and the life extension of other reactors. The “How big is yours?” campaign involved social media engagement to encourage public participation in highlighting everyday cracks. The protest received media coverage from Belga, amplifying Greenpeace’s message about nuclear safety concerns.
  • “Illegal logging, whaling,… what JEFTA, the agreement between the EU and Japan, hides,” a news report about negotiations for the EU-Japan free trade agreement (JEFTA) on June 24, 2016, led by Juliette Boulet, raised significant environmental concerns. Leaked confidential documents revealed potential risks, including illegal logging and Japan’s continued whaling activities. Boulet played a crucial role in highlighting these issues, criticising JEFTA’s lack of transparency and failure to address environmental challenges adequately. Greenpeace criticised JEFTA’s ecological and democratic protections despite its potential to become the EU’s most significant free trade agreement. They called for greater transparency and accountability in trade negotiations to protect environmental and democratic values. The leaked documents shed light on negotiations initiated in 2013, with the EU aiming to finalise the agreement by July. JEFTA, if ratified, is the EU’s most significant trade agreement, nearly double the size of the CETA agreement with Canada. Greenpeace’s concerns extended beyond environmental matters, including the absence of mechanisms to control imported timber and the inclusion of arbitration tribunals, potentially undermining democratic processes. Boulet and Greenpeace stressed the need for JEFTA to address climate change, biodiversity protection, and Japan’s whaling practices, underscoring their disappointment in the agreement’s current form. They advocated for revisions prioritising environmental sustainability and democratic values in trade agreements.
  • “Juliette Boulet, spokesperson for Greenpeace, leaves the organisation“ is news about Juliette Boulet’s party. She is departing the organisation to assume the deputy chief of staff role for the Walloon Minister of the Environment, Céline Tellier, starting next week. Boulet, who joined Greenpeace in 2015, initially served as a project manager focusing on renewable energy before transitioning to political campaigning. She has been a prominent spokesperson for the French-speaking media, adept at articulating complex environmental issues and influencing political decision-makers. Valerie Del Re, director of Greenpeace Belgium, praised Boulet’s contributions, acknowledging her media engagement and project management skills. Boulet expressed gratitude for her time at Greenpeace, emphasising the organisation’s vital role in advocating for environmental sustainability.

What is the latest news on Belgium Politics involving Juliette Boulet?

The latest news on Belgium Politics involving Juliette Boulet is listed below.


  • Protest in Doel for Greenpeace Campaigners (March 25, 2015): Activists continued their protest in Doel, Belgium, stationed on a 40-meter-high electric pylon. They displayed a banner asking, “How big is yours?” to symbolise concerns about micro-cracks found in the Doel 3 nuclear reactor. Juliette Boulet, Greenpeace project manager, highlighted police and utility company awareness of the protest, ensuring safety precautions to avoid power cuts. The protest aimed to raise awareness about nuclear safety issues and opposed government plans to restart Doel 3 and extend the lifespan of other reactors.
  • Air Pollution Lawsuit (March 26, 2018): Greenpeace initiated legal action against the Walloon and Flemish governments, citing inadequate measures for air quality assessment. Despite previous notices to Environment Ministers Carlo Di Antonio and Joke Schauvliege, Greenpeace needed to be convinced that existing pollution systems met European and regional standards. Juliette Boulet, Greenpeace’s spokesperson, highlighted shortcomings in Wallonia’s air pollution measurement network, particularly regarding nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels and the absence of stations in highly urban areas. The organisation emphasised the “urban canyon” effect, urging authorities to address city pollution stagnation. 
  • Camping for the climate in downtown Brussels (March 2019): Activists from various NGOs, including Greenpeace, gathered in downtown Brussels to pressure the Belgian Parliament for a new climate bill. They sought constitutional protection for climate initiatives under the leadership of people such as Juliette Boulet. Members of the European Parliament emphasised the link between climate action and social justice, highlighting the draft bill’s collaborative effort between academia and policymakers.
  • Hologram demonstration in Brussels (April 24, 2020): Climate activists from Youth For Climate and Greenpeace organised a “hologram demonstration” in Brussels, projecting videos in front of the European Council and Federal Parliament buildings. The demonstration aimed to advocate for an ecological and just recovery policy post-coronavirus crisis. Juliette Boulet, a spokesperson for Greenpeace, emphasised the importance of putting healthcare, social justice, and climate action ahead of profit-driven agendas during the virtual demonstration, which served as an alternative to traditional protests while respecting COVID-19 measures.

What are the Political Ideas of Juliette Boulet?

Juliette Boulet’s political ideas strongly advocate environmental sustainability, social justice, and climate action. Her ideas revolve around addressing major political issues, focusing on combating climate change through renewable energy initiatives, carbon emission reduction strategies, and conservation efforts to protect biodiversity. Boulet’s loyalty to the Ecolo party aligns with its core values of ecological responsibility, equitable socio-economic policies, and participatory democracy.


Competitors of Boulet within the political arena include parties with contrasting views on environmental issues and climate policy. Their competitors prioritise economic interests over environmental protection, advocate for less stringent regulations on industry, or express scepticism about the severity of climate change. Boulet remains steadfast in advancing progressive ecological policies and advocating for climate action.


Boulet’s opinion on climate change emphasises the urgent need for decisive action to mitigate its impacts and transition towards a sustainable future. She advocates for comprehensive policies to reduce reliance on fossil fuels, promote the adoption of clean energy technologies, and implement carbon pricing mechanisms to incentivise emission reductions. Boulet underscores the importance of international cooperation and agreements to address climate change globally, emphasising the interconnectedness of environmental issues and the need for collective action.

Juliette Boulet’s political ideas centre on environmental sustainability, social equity, and global climate action, reflecting her allegiance to the Ecolo party and her advocacy for progressive policies to address pressing environmental challenges. Boulet is resolute in her political pursuits of promoting environmental preservation and climate change mitigation, even in the face of opposition from rivals with opposing viewpoints.