Tag: MEP

Confiscation and reallocation of mafia assets works in Italy, it can work in Europe too

Regulations that enable European member states to confiscate mafia assets and reallocate them to the third sector should…

Press and media freedom is taking an alarming backslide in Europe

Recent events have shown the deterioration of freedom of speech in Europe, write MEPs. Brussels (Brussels Morning) We…

Explaining the EU’s hydrogen strategy to achieve a carbon-neutral Europe

The EU is centring hydrogen in its quest to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, writes Ondřej Knotek MEP.…

Consumption of plant-based alternatives is disconcerting to meat and dairy industries

With increasing consumption of plant-based alternatives, the meat and dairy industries are running scared, leading to more lobbying…

The EU should work towards housing for all

COVID-19 has highlighted the problem of affordable housing in Europe, it’s time for the EU to adopt Housing4All,…

Common foreign, security and defence policies when it comes to the Western Balkans

The common foreign and security policy and common security and defence policy will benefit the Western Balkans and…

Are ’low polluting’ hybrid cars really that environment-friendly?

Despite the hype from members state governments, electric cars are not that great for the environment, writes Tomáš…

We urgently need better European coordination to lower the number of coronavirus cases

A unified response will help lower COVID-19 cases more rapidly, writes Ska Keller MEP and Tilly Metz MEP…

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