Francisco Guerreiro MEP

Francisco Guerreiro is an MEP for the Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance. He is first vice-chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development and takes part in the Committees on Budgets and on Fisheries among other activities.
10 Articles

The Urgent Need for the EU to Ban the Trade of Shark Fins

The trade of shark fins undeniably perpetuates the demand for these “valuable commodities”. This trade primarily exists due…

“End of Bottom Trawling in EU’s MPAs: A Win for Biodiversity and the Climate”

The European Commission's new Communication on “Protecting and Restoring Marine Ecosystems for Sustainable and Resilient Fisheries”, which calls…

Killing wolves is not the solution

Successes in the reduction of livestock depredation have been attributed to actions taken for adaptation and prevention. As…

The urgent need for conservation of shortfin mako sharks in the South Atlantic

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper) The mako shark is listed as globally endangered on the International Union for Conservation…

Ciros Gomes and the path to a brighter Brazil

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) Brazil, a country with more than 214 million citizens, home to several natural wonders…

Animal welfare report: all about farmers, nothing about animals

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) Last week, in Strasbourg, the European Parliament approved a resolution on the implementation of…

CAP approved: Another five years of environmental disaster

Brussels (Brussels Morning) This week, the European Parliament voted in favour of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) that will…

The EU needs to support a retention ban of the endangered mako shark

Overfishing has placed the mako shark in danger and the EU could do something about it, writes Francisco…

The new European Maritime and Fisheries Fund is a greenlight for harmful overfishing

Denying a ringfenced pot of money to promote biodiversity and continuing harmful subsidies for the large-scale fishing industry,…

Consumption of plant-based alternatives is disconcerting to meat and dairy industries

With increasing consumption of plant-based alternatives, the meat and dairy industries are running scared, leading to more lobbying…