Maingain: ‘No ban on slaughter without stunning with the support of N-VA and Vlaams Belang’

Sarhan Basem

Brussels, (Brussels Morning) – The former chairman of Défi Olivier Maingain is concerned about the bill by Groen, Open-VLD and Défi that wants to ban slaughter without stunning in Brussels. He believes that the ban can only come about in consultation with Muslims and Jews. And he warns that his party must absolutely avoid the extreme right approving the proposal.

On Wednesday, Vlaams Belang, N-VA and the majority parties Groen, Open-VLD and Défi each submitted their own ordinance (Brussels law) in parliament to ban slaughter without stunning in the Brussels Region.

If the ordinance is approved, the Brussels Region will align itself with Flanders and Wallonia. They have already passed a similar law. That legislation was recently validated by the Constitutional Court.

The debate on slaughter without stunning is a test for the majority in the Brussels parliament. After all, they are divided over the ban on slaughter without stunning .

But Olivier Maingain, who as an ex-chairman still carries a lot of weight within his party Défi, believes that his party can only approve that proposal if Muslims and Jews agree. He believes that a solution must be found that reconciles religious freedom and animal welfare.

“It must not become a debate hostile to respectable religious beliefs. Slaughter without stunning has nothing to do with religious radicalism at all,” he told Le Soir .

He believes that Défi should amend its own bill, if necessary, with amendments to meet the concerns of Muslims and Jews.

Sanitary cord

Maingain also fears that the ordinance would receive the approval of identitarian parties at the vote. And he wants to avoid that at all costs. “If the ordinance only achieves a majority with the support of N-VA and Vlaams Belang, then we must stop the parliamentary process. Because that would mean that we have broken the cordon sanitaire.”

With the statements, Maingain is in line with the majority parties PS, Ecolo and Vooruit. They believe that a ban cannot come if Muslims and Jews oppose it.

‘Position remains what it is’

Current Défi chairman François De Smet does not want to be rushed by the statements of Olivier Maingain. “They are on his behalf, and do not change our position,” he tells BRUZZ.

De Smet says that this has already been planned for consultations with the religious communities. “There will be hearings in parliament with representatives of Muslims and Jews, just as animal rights organisations will be invited.”

De Smet says that this is premature about breaking the cordon sanitaire. “Vlaams Belang has only one seat. And every deputy has the freedom to vote for or against an ordinance.”

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.