Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) The corruption scandal that has struck the European Parliament should not be downgraded as the mistake of some rotten apples. It is wrong who in recent weeks has minimized the scale of the accusations and the foreseeable consequences for the future of the European project. We need to learn the lesson and react.
Serious suspicions of corruption from Qatar and Morocco involving members, officials, and assistants of the European Parliament have made clear the vulnerability of the European institutions to foreign interference. This is a deplorable phenomenon that we have denounced for years also in Italy: foreign entities recruit those who have or have held senior political positions and institutional roles in order to benefit from them to the detriment of the interests of EU citizens and Member States.
The European Parliament resolution, which was voted on 9 March 2022, on foreign interference in democratic processes in the European Union, recommends shareable solutions, which must be made binding.
In particular, there is an amendment proposed by me, which recommends that Member States prohibit donations and funding to parties, foundations, and all political figures holding public or elective positions by foreign powers.
But transparency is not enough, we need incompatibility. In order to best represent the interests of citizens, MEPs cannot, during their term of office, be on the payroll of multinationals and private companies or even be consultants to foreign states as unfortunately happens in Italy.
We call on the European Commission to submit a package of legislative proposals as soon as possible. We propose the adoption of a specific system of penalties and the establishment of a new European offence against intentional foreign interference in the context of Article 83(1) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. We need countermeasures that can protect our democracy.
Other proposals against conflicts of interest in the EU that the 5 Stars Movement advances:
- establishment of a European Ethics Committee to assess conflicts of interest independently and impartially. In addition to the European Parliament, the powers of this Committee should also be extended to the Commission, the Council and all European agencies;
- obligation to register meetings with lobbyists and those to publish gifts received, meetings, and trips to third countries by Members;
- stricter rules for officials and assistants handling key dossiers and who, by virtue of their delicate position, cannot be members of NGOs or associations with sensitive interests at stake at the same time;
- rotation of assignments of officials of the political groups, as already happens for officials under Parliament’s administration (every 7 years);
- more controls and sanctions;
- if an MEP is found guilty of an offense committed with intent related to the exercise of parliamentary duties, he should lose benefits relating to this office, such as pension treatment.
European democracy is under attack. If we want to defend it, we must strengthen its immune defenses with ambition and courage.