Belgium (The Brussels Morning newspaper): The Grand Livres raised €153.47 million, with the 1-year bond at 2.75% gross coupon attracting €144.77 million, while the 10-year bond at 2.8% only raised €8.7 million.
According to resources, The campaign started on September 5 and raised over €73.5 million. The next day, banks and other institutions cracked in around €62.69 million, and the Debt Agency’s service got registrations worth €90.78 million. The combined amount of €153.47 million will be finalized only when all payments have been received, and they must be in by 13 September at the latest.
Why are investors favoring short-term bonds?
It has been said that investors were into the one-year bond, with a 2.75% gross coupon (1.925% net interest rate), raising a big €144.77 million. On the other hand, the 10-year bond, with a 2.8% coupon (1.96% net interest rate), only managed to gather €8.7 million. If they go through the Grands Livres service, they have until September 12 to register. The 10-year bond offered a bit higher gross coupon rate of 2.8% and a net interest rate of 1.96%, but it didn’t attract as much attention. It only raised €8.7 million, showing that people were more interested in short-term investments than long-term ones. This difference suggests that investors preferred the shorter-term, higher-yielding option.
Starting Thursday, September 5, and lasting through September 13, new state bonds will be available for purchase by investors. This time window is critical for getting an investment opportunity in these bonds. These state bonds offer a good chance for investors to acquire them at an advantageous offer and price. This arrangement occupies different investor preferences and enables simplified procedures for all the parties involved.