Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa: Ultimate Guide (2024 Updated)

Sarhan Basem
credit: tripsavvy

Kuala Lumpur (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – The digital nomad visa lifestyle is growing more trendy as more of us work away from home. If you have the opportunity to work remotely from any part of the world, Malaysia may be an obvious choice due to its excellent environment, friendly locals, inexpensive cost of living, and a variety of exciting sites to begin exploring. Read further to find out more!

Does Malaysia offer a Digital Nomad Visa?

Yes, Malaysia offers digital nomad visas in several places, some of which are listed below. It is quite straightforward to acquire for one because Malaysia’s geographical location is advantageous and the cost of living is cheap. The particular application method and conditions, though, have yet to be made public.

Malaysia Digital Nomad Cities 

If you’re looking for a seaside getaway or a frantic metropolitan experience, Malaysia provides plenty of options. 

1. Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur is regarded as a highly digital-nomad-friendly place. It has a high quality of life, is affordable, and has a wonderful neighbourhood. Malaysia, like most of Southeast Asia, has a lower quality of life than many Western countries. 

For example, the average cost of living in Kuala Lumpur is only $1,612. The busy metropolis is a mixture of cultures, and it is home to many fantastic sights that you may visit during your lunch break. Kuala Lumpur has a good level of life and excellent services for digital nomads, like fast internet and a rising number of co-working spaces.

2. Penang 

In addition, the island of Penang is an emerging digital nomad hotspot with beautiful beaches and delicious restaurants.  Penang is an excellent alternative to Kuala Lumpur if you prefer a more tranquil setting. The median cost of living in this beautiful city is approximately $981 per month, and you may locate rentals for as little as $200 per month! The city is rich in history and is known as Malaysia’s cuisine capital, making it an ideal spot to live for foodies.

As a digital nomad, you may maintain a healthy work-life balance while living in Malaysia. When you’re not stuck to your computer accomplishing chores or attending online meetings, you may relax or swim at Kota Kinabalu’s sandy beaches, stroll through the gorgeous trails of Cameron Highlands, or enjoy mouthwatering street cuisine in Penang.

Requirements for Digital Nomad Visa in Malaysia

To have a digital nomad visa in Malaysia, there are certain restrictions or requirements if you can call it that, that need to be met. Below are the requirements that you need to make sure of:

  • Valid Passport – At the time of application, your passport has to be valid for a minimum of 14 months.
  • Work Remotely – For at least three months, you must work remotely as an employee, company owner, or freelancer for firms or clients based outside of Malaysia.
  • Work in the Digital Domain – You must have experience in the digital domains of IT, digital content development, digital marketing, and other related fields.
  • Earn $24,000 per year – You must fulfill the required minimum income.
  • Clean Criminal Record – You must have a clean criminal record.
  • Health and travel insurance are required for the duration of your stay in Malaysia.
  • There are no nationality limits on the visa at the moment. As a result, citizens from any nation are eligible to apply.

How to apply for Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa?

Aligning with the documents, you will apply on their official website. After obtaining a verification number through email, you will create your account and begin the procedure. Make sure to select the “DE Rantau Digital Nomad Visa” option. The application includes various questions and areas where you may upload documentation for yourself and your dependents.

A visa fee of MYR 1,000 (approximately $220 USD) is also required for solo applicants and MYR 500 (approximately $110 USD) per dependant. The Malaysia digital nomad visa application may take as much as four weeks to be processed. You will get an email notification from the programme.

Malaysia Digital Nomad Visa Tax 

Malaysian citizens and residents are taxed on any income earned or obtained within the nation. Malaysia digital nomad visa holders are not obligated to pay taxes on income generated outside the nation. Those whose clients are headquartered in Malaysia, though, and those who work for a Malaysian-based corporation, may be required to pay income tax.

Read More: Portugal Digital Nomad Visa: Ultimate Guide (2022 Updated)


That is indeed all there is to the Malaysian digital nomad visa. This article contains information on the Malaysian digital nomad visa. To make the best decision, thoroughly read the content. This information should have helped you make a decision. Post a comment if this was helpful!

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.