Hilde Vautmans MEP

Hilde Vautmans is AFET coordinator for Renew Europe (Open Vld) in the European Parliament and member of the FEMM Committee.
24 Articles

My body, my choice, my Europe!

Despite research showing that at least 75 percent of the population in all European countries supports legal and…

Only a reformed Union can provide security in a rapidly changing world

Will individual Member States be able to solve these challenges alone and to guarantee the security of our…

EU is running out of time to make the internet a safer place for children

The DSA and the EU Proposal for a Regulation to prevent and combat child sexual abuse and exploitation…

Every child counts

It is of paramount importance that all hostages are unconditionally released and that all Israeli children held hostage…

Create a European Parliamentary body exclusively dedicated to children’s rights

True child-centered politics complicates and challenges entrenched adult politics. It means viewing the world through the lens of…

The EU must speak with one single voice

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper) The visits to China by European leaders in the last weeks should have been…

What has Europe learned from the one year of Russia’s brutal war?

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) What has Europe learned from over one year of Russia’s brutal war of aggression in…

European lessons from one year of the war

The political divisions inside Europe have become painfully visible. Russia has already lost the military battle, but it…

Safer Internet Day 2023: 8 Experts Share Best Practices

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) Today marks the 20th anniversary of the Safer Internet Day. 20 years might not…

EU action needed to eradicate structural racism

Against this background, the European Parliament today adopted a report on racial injustice, non-discrimination and anti-racism in the…

100.000 unaccompanied children fled Ukraine, and we need an action plan to protect them

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) 10,000, 18,000 to 30,000 missing children in migration between 2016 and 2020. These are the…

Let’s never give up on the women, their lives, and liberty in Iran

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper) Over 130 deaths and still counting. We all know the brutal story. Public protests…

State of the Union 2022 is too little too vague

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper) Today, Commission President, Ursula Von der Leyen addressed the European Parliament during her annual…

The digital services act is about giving back control to our citizens

In the end, it's all about liability: social media giants should be treated as publishers, with the obvious…

Abortion bans in the US:‘Europe cannot sit back and relax’

Many Europeans might perceive these events as an American issue, but unfortunately, we record a different reality. Also…

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