With a teacher’s diploma you will always find work in Brussels

Helen Critchley

Brussels, (Brussels Morning)-   Young people with a diploma in education, care, administration, paramedical or applied sciences have the best chance of finding a sustainable job in the capital. This is the conclusion of a survey by view.brussels. Women with a higher education diploma are also more likely to receive a job offer.

View.brussels, the Brussels observatory for work and training, investigated which diplomas in Brussels help young people find work the fastest. The ranking was made on the basis of the number of young people who found a job at least one month after their registration with Actiris. “Thanks to the results of this study, we can help young Brussels residents to make the right choices in the future,” says Cristina Amboldi, General Manager of Actiris, reported BRUZZ.

This is the top 5:

  1. Education (95.6%)
  2. Applied Sciences (93.3%)
  3. Paramedical (88.7%)
  4. Social work and care (84.7%)
  5. Business Administration and Management (84.7%)

In addition to these top 5, there are several other sectors that prove to be good choices in terms of job opportunities.

Secondary education

Persons with a secondary education certificate as the highest diploma obtained should look for a job in child care and nursing. Job security there is 77.2 percent. In addition, prevention and surveillance (72.7%) and industry (72.2%) are the best scoring vacancies.


Young people with a bachelor’s degree prefer to choose a career as a teacher. As mentioned above, young people in this sector are almost certain of a job, with a job security of 95.6 percent. Those who obtain a diploma in computer science (83%), also stand a good chance of a quick job offer.


It was already mentioned in the top 5 that people who have a degree in applied sciences find a permanent job within a year in 93.3 percent of the cases. Young people with a master’s degree often find a job in law & criminology in addition to this field of study (82.5%).

Highly educated women

The demand for highly skilled workers in Brussels is on the rise, in 20 years the demand rose by no less than 66 percent. Only one in seven employers is looking for low-skilled workers. Because the demand for highly educated people is rising so rapidly, three in four young people with a bachelor’s or master’s degree find a sustainable job via Actiris within a year. For people with only a secondary diploma, this is only one in two. This figure drops even more for people who stop their secondary education early, where only one in three young people finds work within a year.

It is remarkable that women are offered a vacancy more quickly than men. Two factors play a role here. Firstly, women who knock on Actiris’ doors more often have a higher education diploma. This is 44.5 percent for women and only 29.3 percent for men. Secondly, women more often opt for study options with a very high outflow into work, such as care/nursing and education.

The ideal profile for a quick job offer should theoretically be a highly educated women in education.

Corona crisis

There is a remarkable difference between the young people of 2018 and those of 2019. Due to corona, only 50 percent of the young people who registered with Actiris in 2019 found a job. Within the 2018 group, this was 57.8 percent.

Nevertheless, according to view.brussels, the lockdown has had a positive impact. Due to the unstable labour market, many young people continued to study for longer. The increased demand for employees with a higher education diploma means that many young people will be stronger in the labour market. “Studying pays off! The more diplomas a citizen of Brussels has, the greater the chance that he will quickly find a job,” says Bernard Clerfayt (Défi). “There is a great demand for highly educated profiles on the labour market.”

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Helen is a British Freelance Writer, with a degree in Media Studies and a passion for European Culture. Currently residing in Spain, Helen writes for an eclectic group of global organisations.
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