MEPs send Open Letter urging the EU to react to Iranian and Turkish attacks against Kurdish areas

Sarhan Basem
Fighter jet aircraft flying low over a urban area of a city in ruins. Army or military bomber airplane attack civilian buildings. Aerial top view

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) An open letter on the topic urging the European Union’s leadership to take immediate action against the latest attacks of Iran and Turkey against Kurdish areas in Syria and Iraq and the region was submitted by MEP Fabio Massimo Castaldo supported by 19 of his colleagues at the European Parliament.

In the letter addressed to the President of the European Commission Ursula Von Der Leyen and the Vice President of the European Commission/High Representative Josep Borrell it is noted that The EU must take immediate action.

The MEPs underline the need to respond in order to avoid any crises that may arise as a result of the clear violation of international and humanitarian law.

” As a champion of universal human rights, fundamental freedoms, and the rule-based international order, the European Union must raise its voice against such deadly attacks that are in clear violation of international and humanitarian law. Moreover, in Rojava and in Bashur, Kurds, Arabs, Assyrians, and Armenians, have created in a period of wartime a democratic alternative that led to peace. It is of utmost importance to defend their achievements, also because with tens of thousands of jihadists detained in north-eastern Syria, the end of this experience could pave the way for a new attempt at a caliphate like Isis, leading back to the situation of 2014.” – it is written in the open letter.

In the letter, it is noted that the MEPs cannot let aggressor Recep Tayyip Erdoğan instrumentalize yet another tragic event, and allow him to use the Istanbul blast as an excuse to resume brutal attacks on Kurdish areas.

” We are therefore writing to you, in our capacity as Members of the European Parliament, to impress upon you the urgent need to take action with regard to Iran and Turkey’s cross-border attacks against the Kurdish people and prevent another humanitarian catastrophe,” it stated in the letter of the MEPS.

The MEPs call upon the Commission President and Vice President/High Representative, on behalf of the European Union:

  • To speak on behalf of the European Union and to coordinate a strong a persistent diplomatic action with Member states, also within the United Nations and NATO, to clearly and publicly condemn Turkey and Iran’s attacks in Syria and Iraq and to urge the Turkish and Iranian authorities to immediately halt any cross-border military operation;
  • To appeal to the United Nations, the International Anti-EI Coalition, and our NATO partners to act to ensure that our Turkish ally behaves consistently with its international commitments and in accordance with International Law;
  • To vehemently reject the politically motivated attempts to ban the HDP and urge the Turkish authorities to fulfill their International legal obligations and implement the decisions of the Council of Europe and European Court of Human Rights condemning the prosecution of HDP mayors and politicians and demanding their release;
  • To urge the Iranian authorities to immediately halt the use of lethal force against unarmed protesters and remind them that failure to halt the continued violations will result in intense and coordinated international diplomatic repercussions;
  • To call for a United Nations investigation on the allegations concerning the use of chemical weapons by Turkish forces in Iraqi Kurdistan;
  • To use all leverage and tools at our disposal to foster a climate of peace and dialogue in the region, making sure that the voices of Kurdish people are heard, their aspirations are responded to and they are granted the opportunity to decide their own future, and to clarify what initiatives the Commission intends to take in this regard.


Fabio Massimo CASTALDO, Member of the European Parliament (N.I.)

Tiziana BEGHIN, Member of the European Parliament (N.I.)

Dino GIARRUSSO, Member of the European Parliament (N.I.)

Emmanouil FRAGKOS, Member of the European Parliament (ECR)

Andreas SCHIEDER, Member of the European Parliament (S&D)

François ALFONSI, Member of the European Parliament (GREENS/EFA)

Carles PUIGDEMONT, Member of the European Parliament (N.I.)

Clara PONSATÍ, Member of the European Parliament (N.I.)

Antoni COMÍN, Member of the European Parliament (N.I.)

Ignazio CORRAO, Member of the European Parliament (GREENS/EFA)

Nikolaj VILLUMSEN, Member of the European Parliament (The Left / GUE)

Marisa MATIAS, Member of the European Parliament (The Left / GUE)

Nicola PEDICINI, Member of the European Parliament (GREENS/EFA)

Chris MACMANUS, Member of the European Parliament (The Left / GUE)

Salima YENBOU, Member of the European Parliament (RENEW Europe)

Martin BUSCHMANN, Member of the European Parliament (N.I.)

Evin INCIR, Member of the European Parliament (S&D)

Martin SONNEBORN, Member of the European Parliament (N.I.)

Costas MAVRIDES, Member of the European Parliament (S&D)

GUSMÃO José, Member of the European Parliament (The Left / GUE)

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.