Greenery Disappears: Anderlecht’s Development Dilemma

Sarhan Basem

Anderlecht (Brussels Morning) – Residents in Erasmus-Ketel, Anderlecht are dissatisfied with the lack of green spaces and artificial greenery citing concerns about environmental impact and biodiversity. 

People in Erasmus-Ketel, Anderlecht are not happy with the lack of green spaces in their district. They feel that the promised eco-friendly features are missing. They want construction to stop and a thorough study of the neighborhood’s future. Residents are disappointed that the greenery is artificial and disappearing due to construction. They believe that the green areas of Vogelzangbeek and the Neerpede valley should be protected. The Erasmus-Ketel district is located between these two green valleys on the edge of the Brussels Region.

Anderlecht’s Ketelwijk Development Disappoints Residents

Stallaert is not happy with the Ketelwijk development. She feels that despite promises of a green and pleasant neighborhood, the reality is disappointing with excessive paving and concrete. The artificial greenery doesn’t help with water seepage or biodiversity. Stallaert mentions that the new rules aren’t being followed because building applications were submitted before they were enforced. She questions the lack of vision in rushing permits before stricter climate and biodiversity goals come into effect in 2026.

Stallaert and local resident Marie Coûteaux are unhappy with the permit policies in Anderlecht and Brussels Region. Stallaert criticizes how project developers keep getting adjustments to the zoning plan to build more and more apartments. The municipality’s new zoning plan was supposed to prevent this but developers still ask for changes and get them approved. Stallaert believes this favors the developers. Marie Coûteaux, who recently moved to the neighborhood, is also disappointed after being initially attracted by the neighborhood’s concept.

Marie Coûteaux says:

“But I am concerned about the way in which this district is further developed”

Marie Coûteaux complains:

“Too much is being built, while those apartments are not being sold. That is a waste of valuable natural or agricultural land”

What Impact Does Overdevelopment Have on Biodiversity?

Stallaert is upset about how the densely built-up neighborhood is harming the environment and biodiversity. The green Ketelstraat is seen as a crucial link between Vogelzang and Neerpede, but more buildings threaten biodiversity. The nature association questions the need for new homes especially luxury apartments instead of social housing. They suspect the excess supply might be for operating more Airbnbs.

Coûteaux, supporting CNN Vogelzang and TiniersForm des Jardiniers emphasizes the need for more than just apartments in the area. She mentions the lack of shops and dining options with only one pizzeria available. The spaces for businesses don’t meet the needs of local entrepreneurs as they can only be bought, not rented, and are too expensive. The municipality of Anderlecht cannot provide a response yet as the file is pending review by the consultation committee on Thursday.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.