Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper): De Lin workers strike over staff shortages long hours and lack of progress in negotiations with management disrupting public transport services in Flanders.
The staff and company bosses met on Wednesday they shared various issues including shortages of staff and the need to work extra hours without pay. They did not align on the methods to solve this. The union delegates said their bosses brushed off the issues raised and they really wanted De Lin to act particularly on the attacks on staff.
Why are De Lin workers striking and how will it impact commuters?
When trips get canceled because of lack of personal or parts then users are affected by such situations. This disappointed the unions who had hoped for some movement. We expected something to happen but it was not enough for us to keep on with discussions and refrain from stopping the strike said Reusen.
The labor unions indicated that the decision to go on strike was not taken lightly but by the workers themselves. They are so exhausted from it all. It takes them much of their time and energy to do unimportant things like checking if some drivers wear proper reflective coats or using radar guns to take note of speed limits. This effort can be directed towards solving problems like staff shortages and overtime pay. A different means of public transport will be organized by the Flemish public transport service on Wednesday 14th August. From Monday onwards De Lijn’s website as well as travel planner would inform users about timetables.