Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper): Herman Brusselmans in his Humo magazine column was expressing his frustration with the Jews during this period of war between Israel and Hamas and so far he has received heavy fire from the European Jewish Association which wants to sue him for inciting violence.
Herman Brusselmans newest column on the war between Israel and Hamas which appeared in Humo magazine, has enraged many people within the Jewish community. Herman Brusselmans wrote concerning the crying of a Palestinian boy for his mother in the War imagining that it had been his son with his girlfriend. Angry he said he wants to hurt every Jew he sees. The European Jewish Association labeled Herman Brusselmans words as psychopathic and announced it would take legal action against Humo magazine and Brusselmans for incitement to violence. Brusselmans declaration of violence against Jews causes a lot of alarm .
Did Belgian Writer Encourage Harm Against Jews in Article?
According to resources this was additionally condemned by Idit Rosenzweig-Abu the Israeli ambassador to Belgium saying what if someone said in the Belgian press I am so furious it makes me want to stab every Muslim I come across?’ Herman Brusselmans dismissed EJA’s charges altogether including those regarding incitement to murder as totally absurd.
He described how a Palestinian kid was looking for her mother in the soil. The boy became an embodiment of my male offspring while the adult female assumed the role of my wife or mother. If it were the case he would probably have thought of taking revenge. Bombing and killing of defenseless people by the Israelis is producing youngsters who will be craving for revenge throughout their lives. I tried to bring out this stage in my article when something happens and someone close to you has not done anything wrong and it makes one very furious. Herman Brusselmans explained that when he mentioned putting a knife to a throat it was a metaphor for taking revenge by writing and not to kill people. He also explained that he does not generalize all of the Israelis because by doing so he would be a racist .