Brussels metro struggles with summer heat, upgrades underway

Sarhan Basem
Credit: BRUZZ

Brussels (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): Brussels underground train stations often become uncomfortably hot in summer due to limited air conditioning. While new M7 trains have effective cooling older models struggle. The MIVB is gradually upgrading trains but complaints about heat persist.

According to resources in Brussels the underground train stations and trains can get really hot in the summer because most stations don’t have air conditioning. They only have basic fans that don’t cool much.They said that with lots of people and heat from the trains it can feel really uncomfortable. Some trains have air conditioning but not all of them do and sometimes even the ones that do have a hard time keeping things cool when it’s super hot. Brussels’ transportation folks are working on making things better by swapping out old trains for new ones with better air conditioning. But it’s a slow process to update everything. For now the customer service team gets lots of complaints about the heat. They explain that they’re trying their best to improve things while they work on making things more comfortable for everyone.

How can Brussels improve heat management in its subway system?

It has been said that the Brussels subway stations don’t have a fix for cooling because it’s tough to put air conditioning in a station that’s always open and where outside air comes in. This is a common issue worldwide not just in Brussels. The only way it would work is in stations deep underground. So they have to rely on the weather. People might notice that the heat sticks around in the stations for a few days. The new M7 trains in Brussels have air conditioning, and people are happy with it. The slightly older M6 trains have a system that refreshes the air when it gets hot aiming for a temperature of 19 degrees when it’s over 23 degrees. The driver can’t control this it’s automatic. In the oldest trains like the MX trains from the seventies and eighties people can only get fresh air by opening the windows. The MIVB says the air quality in the tunnels is fine,unlike the concerns in the Paris subway last year.

The older MX trains have smaller compartments so it gets hotter when it’s crowded. Even in the newer M7 trains with air conditioning heat can come in when the doors open automatically.Most buses have air conditioning in the summer and trams have it too. In Brussels there’s a stop about every 400 meters on average,which is common for city networks. Having fewer stops helps keep the inside temperature low. The MIVB doesn’t cut air conditioning to save money it’s not a big part of energy use in the metro.It has been said that electric buses use more energy for air conditioning. Some people find the air conditioning too cold but everyone feels differently about comfort levels.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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