The deliberate targeting of civilians is a war crime

Angelos Kaskanis
KYIV, UKRAINE - Mar. 29, 2022: War in Ukraine. Shopping center that was damaged by shelling on 21 March by a Russian attack in Kyiv, where according to emergency service, at least six people died

Greece (Brussels Morning Newspaper) Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Russia has repeatedly bombed or sabotaged targets that do not have a military character. Of course, if the Ukrainians are using churches for ammunition depots or public buildings for anti-bombardment shields, after a year and a half they should have realized that the Russian War Machine is not kidding or backing down.

Russian missiles and drones rained down on the Ukrainian capital 17 times in May. Additionally, there is evidence of Russian attacks on theaters, maternity units, hospitals, and schools. Although Moscow denies targeting Ukrainian citizens, the current barrage of attacks on Kiev seem to be part of a well-coordinated plan. However, the UN estimated in May that since violence started in February of last year, more than 24,000 non-combatants had died.

Kramatorsk Mayor Oleksandr Honcharenko went public during February, when he said that at least five civilians were wounded in the air strikes, which hit residential buildings as well as a children’s clinic and a school in the heart of the city.

Οf course, this article is not only about war material and other targets, such as hydroelectric dams, ports, bridges and airports. It also concerns human capital.

A war crime that violates the fundamental nature of humanity is the purposeful targeting of people in armed conflicts. We must band together as a worldwide community to denounce these crimes, push for accountability, and fight for the victims’ rights. In times of conflict, protecting people is not only required by law but also morally right. We may work toward a future where the suffering of civilians is reduced and their rights and dignity are upheld by maintaining international humanitarian law and encouraging peaceful solutions.

The horrors of war

Regional conflicts have unfortunately exposed civilian populations to the atrocities of war throughout human history. Such atrocities continue despite the existence of international humanitarian law, which expressly forbids harming people. Targeting civilians on purpose during armed conflict is a serious violation of human rights and is considered a war crime. The war in Ukraine is a gret example of the ramifications of this horrible act, the toll it took on innocent lives, and the global efforts being made to bring the culprits to justice.

Targeting of civilians cause unimaginable pain to innocent people, destroying families and communities. Women, children, the elderly, and the most defenseless elements of society are frequently among the civilian casualties. Such behaviors leave behind significant psychological scars that can linger for generations in addition to immediate physical injury. The social fabric is damaged and the way to peace and reconciliation is obstructed when innocent lives are lost.

The effect on children is one of the most heartbreaking aspects of this war crime. Numerous kids have perished, been hurt, or become orphans as a result of deliberate strikes on civilian areas in conflicts all over the world. Numerous others are abused in various ways or coerced into combat or recruitment as child soldiers. Children lose their right to an education and healthcare when schools and hospitals are targeted, endangering their future and feeding a cycle of violence.

A war crime that violates the fundamental nature of humanity is the purposeful targeting of people in armed conflicts. We must band together as a worldwide community to denounce these crimes, push for accountability, and fight for the victims’ rights. In times of conflict, protecting people is not only required by law but also morally right. We may work toward a future where the suffering of civilians is reduced and their rights and dignity are upheld by maintaining international humanitarian law and encouraging peaceful solutions. 

The International Community

The Russians are trying to destroy the morale of the Ukrainians. And it makes sense to attack civilian targets. Why should the Ukrainian fight on the border if his own home has been destroyed and his city is in ruins.

In addition to this, some participate, encourage or even accept the atrocities committed

“It is now well documented that the Russian armed forces are using Iranian drones in Ukraine, in particular to indiscriminately bomb civilian infrastructure. Iran’s provision of this equipment to Russia is a violation of Resolution 2231, as we and our German and British partners have stated in a letter to members of this Council today”, stated Mr. Nicolas de Riviere, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations. 

Brussels for the first time presents itself united and after Brexit the axis of Paris, Berlin and London is strengthened and support decisions are shared.Germany and Spain have sent air defense systems to Ukraine. 

“The European Union yesterday adopted new sanctions against Iranian entities and individuals involved in the production and transfer of these drones. France supports Ukraine’s call for the Secretariat to investigate and report back to Council members in accordance with its mandate. France calls on Iran to immediately cease all forms of support for the war of aggression launched by Russia against Ukraine. It calls on Russia and Iran to stop violating Resolution 2231” added Mr. Nicolas de Riviere. 

The US is also focused on sending material that will have a targeted and immediate impact.

Washingotn has sent National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems – NASAMs – to Ukraine. Ukrainian soldiers were already trained to use the system, which shoots many different missiles. NASAMs can defend against a wide range of airborne threats. “We also have committed to a suite of counter, unmanned aerial systems, including the Vampire system and other radar systems,” US officials said.

Let’s hope that one day all those who brought the world community into a quagmire will be held accountable. Not the common people of Russia and its allies, but its political leadership.

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Dr. Angelos Kaskanis is Brussels Morning Political Advisor/Editor. His field of research is Security Studies and the impact of International Terrorism in Southeastern Europe and the Caucasus. He has participated in/co-organized several workshops in more than 20 countries that focus on Religious Extremism, Radicalization, Safety, and Security in Southeastern Europe, European Identity, and Greco-Turkish Relations.In the past he has worked on several projects with the Hellenic Parliament, MPSOTC Kilkis, NATO's Public Diplomacy Division, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Awards of academic excellence include scholarship from the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation. He speaks Greek, English, Russian, German, and Turkish.
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