Qatargate: The document that inspired Panzer i’s action

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A police van outside of the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium on January 11, 2023.

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) Entitled “Action Plan for the European Parliament”, is a “confidential” communication from the mission of the Kingdom of Morocco before the EU. Ambassador Menouar Alem proposes to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rabat a detailed operation intended to “promote those interested in Morocco” within the European Parliament.

A detailed plan that includes the compilation of “information, promotion, and lobby activities”. The document is dated January 4, 2013, almost ten years before the Belgian tax investigation into several politicians accused of receiving bribes from Rabat’s secret services to influence the decisions of the EU Parliament. A group for researchers is led by Pier Antonio Panzeri, MEP of the PD (and later of Art.1) until 2019.

The investigation began that year, but a whole series of classified documents could take back the beginning of this story at least one of each. The number of the Italian politician, in fact, is mentioned several times in a series of cables posted online since 2015: they are the Maroc-leaks, which reveal the lobbying maneuvers carried out throughout the world by Rabat. And that could explain why in 2019, after finishing his term as an MEP, Panzeri remains in Brussels, where he created the NGO Fight Impunity, which ended up at the center of the investigation by Belgian magistrates that reveal the lobbying maneuvers carried out around the world by Rabat.

And that could explain why in 2019, after finishing his term as an MEP, Panzeri remains in Brussels, where he created the NGO Fight Impunity, which ended up at the center of the investigation by Belgian magistrates. that reveal the lobbying maneuvers carried out around the world by Rabat. And that could explain why in 2019, after finishing his term as an MEP, Panzeri remains in Brussels, where he created the NGO Fight Impunity, which ended up at the center of the investigation by Belgian magistrates.

The Moroccan leaks were put online by an anonymous who has never been identified, known as “Chris Coleman”: he could be a disloyal official from Rabat, an Edward Snowden of the Maghreb, or the fruit of a maneuver by the Algerian services (as claimed by the Moroccan). The authenticity of the cables, however, is not questioned, after numerous Journalistic investigations. Also because it has never been challenged by the Moroccan government.

That, according to comes off and confirming the Popes, is the author of a lobby plan to influence the decisions of the highest institutions of the EU on the file of Western Sahara, cause of the discord between the Kerifian kingdom, that was seized by the force of the former Spanish colony in 1976, and Algeria, which remotely supports the Saharawi independence movement, the Polisario Front. But Moroccans are also very attentive to the commercial agreements with the EU, worth more than 35,000 million euros per year in 2020.

“Panzeri assured us of their support” – The negotiations that will lead to the free trade agreement began in 2013, the same period in which Moroccans are studying their ultra-secret Action Plan. It is a recapitulation of the “information, promotion, and lobby tools”, so it says, that the North African kingdom will deploy for the “promotion of Moroccan interests in the European Parliament in 2013”. The missions are enumerated by points, with the number of Panzeri in the first paragraph, of which it is proposed to “support the next Moroccan-European deadlines” by intensifying meetings, seminars, and trips. The official of the Brussels embassy declared that Panzeri, head of the European Parliament delegation for the Maghreb, “favorably welcomed these initiatives and assured us of his support in their application.”

A Moroccan plan in the EU Parliament dated back to 2013 – The plan also explained that, in view of the reports on human rights in Western Sahara, British MEP Charles Tannock “calls for vigilance”. “The Mission has already initiated an action to mobilize and put pressure on said speaker. Another management has been carried out through the MEP Jean Roata (France, EPP, member of the group of the Amistad), recently appointed vice president of the subcommittee on Human Rights of the EP”.

In the last points, the instruments of parliamentary and traditional diplomacy overlap: “Our embassies are invited to maintain regular links with the MEPs of the EU Member States, as well as with the parties of which they are members, with the end of sensitizing them regularly on the Morocco-EU association and anticipating the actions of our adversaries”.

A Moroccan-European parliamentary “coalition” is then envisaged that “can function as a pressure network made up of Moroccan MEPs, deputies, and advisers in order to defend the supreme interests of the Kingdom”. Ultimately, a negro sober white got dressed from the creation of an agency of internal pressure: “It will contribute to reinforcing the influence of Morocco in the institutions of the EU, in particular in the PE. Said agency could act in support of diplomatic-parliamentary action”. Moroccan deputies and councilors in order to defend the supreme interests of the Kingdom”.

Ultimately, a negro sober white got dressed from the creation of an agency of internal pressure: “It will contribute to reinforcing the influence of Morocco in the institutions of the EU, in particular in the PE. Said agency could act in support of diplomatic-parliamentary action”. Moroccan deputies and councilors in order to defend the supreme interests of the Kingdom”. Ultimately, a negro sober white got dressed from the creation of an agency of internal pressure: “It will contribute to reinforcing the influence of Morocco in the institutions of the EU, in particular in the PE. Said agency could act in support of diplomatic-parliamentary action”.

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