Qatargate, investigated in Milan for laundering two alleged front names of Francesco Giorgi

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It is the first independent file with respect to the Belgian investigation: the investigation is into 300 thousand euros that arrived at a company in which Panzer i’s accountant also had shares

Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) The Milan prosecutor’s office today opened an independent file with respect to the Belgian investigation into Qatargate and, from what has been known, Manfred Forte and Dario Scola, alleged front names of Francesco Giorgi, a former collaborator of the former MEP Antonio Panzeri and his family members.

In particular, the approximately 300 thousand euros that arrived at Equality, a company previously owned by accountant Monica Rossana Bellini and Giorgi’s brother and father, are being investigated, the shares of which have passed to Forte and Scola.

The accountant Bellini, as written in the acts of the Belgian arrest warrant (the hearing in Milan on 9 March to decide on her delivery or not), “seems to have played an important role in the return” of the cash money “from Qatar, creating, together with Silvia Panzeri, daughter of Pier Antonio, a company structure that would give the flow of money a legal form”.

Among these, as recorded also by Giorgi arrested in Brussels, Equality, set up in December 2018 in Opera (Milan), where the Bellini studio is located, and of which the accountant herself and Giorgi’s father and brother were partners. Then, Forte and Scola entered the shares, according to the hypothesis of the investigators named after Giorgi and his family members.

Before the company closed in June 2021, it would have collected around 300 thousand euros from three English companies and one Turkish company. The Milanese one is an independent dossier on the alleged ‘cleaning up’ of the bribes allegedly paid by Qatar and Morocco so that their interests could be favored in the European Parliament and on financial movements. And it arises from the activities, such as accounting analyses and analysis of the seized devices and telephones, of the judicial police rate of the Gdf carried out starting from the European investigation order issued by the Belgian judiciary.

And with which a series of searches had also been carried out against Bellini. On the positions of the professional and Giorgi’s family, a legal question could arise that needs to be resolved because they are already at the center of the Belgian investigation. Therefore, at the moment only the two alleged front names have been investigated. And the Milanese investigators are waiting for documents from Belgium, including, it seems, also the minutes of Panzeri and Giorgi, to continue the investigation.

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