“They told her to plead guilty .” Eva Kaili’s lawyer criticise judges – Qatargate


William Zanellato for Igiornale – Eva Kaili’s lawyer launches a new accusation against the Belgian judiciary: “They offered her to plead guilty to be released from prison and be able to embrace her daughter again”

The lawyer of Eva Kaili , former vice president of the European Parliament involved in the Qatargate investigation, is not willing to compromise with the Belgian judiciary. After the denunciation of alleged “medieval torture” against her client, after having focused attention on the methods of the magistrate “sheriff” Michel Claise, today comes a last and heavy accusation. “From the first moment they proposed to Eva Kaili to plead guilty to be released from prison and thus be able to finally embrace her daughter again” . A do ut des which, if confirmed, would have nothing to do with the principles of the rule of law.

The lawyer accuses the Brussels prosecutor’s office

The Greek MEP of Pasok, the Greek socialist party, has always professed her innocence. The lawyer is of the same opinion, who for some days has been setting up a defensive strategy to the sound of accusations against the Belgian judiciary. According to what Corriere della Serareports , Eva Kaili’s lawyer, Michalis Dimitrakopoulos , would have launched a last offensive: “They proposed to Eva Kaili that she plead guilty to be released from prison and thus be able to embrace her daughter again” . It is not the first time that the lawyer denounces the pressure of the judiciary on her daughter of just two years to obtain an admission from her mother in exchange.”Despite the fact that being away from her little girl is the greatest psychological torture, she hasn’t agreed to confess to something she hasn’t done . ” According to the lawyer, the former vice president of the Eurochamber “doesn’t want her daughter to inherit the stigma of a mother who was a corrupt politician, because it’s not true “.

The lawyer refers all types of accusations to the sender: “Eva Kaili fought in the Council Chamber, pronouncing clear words with dignity and providing concrete arguments to be released”. If on the one hand it is appropriate to denounce the alleged political interference in the European Parliament and to verify the phenomena of corruption, on the other hand we must be intransigent on the methods, real or presumed, of the Belgian judiciary. At the moment, mind you, we are only at the rebound of accusations. But if the modus operandi of the investigators aimed at extorting information from MEPs were to actually go beyond the limits of the rule of law, as denounced by Eva Kaili’s lawyer, the damage would be double.

“Eva Kaili tortured like in the Middle Ages”

And this is just the latest in a series of accusations launched by the Greek lawyer. Last Thursday the judges of the Brussels Council Chamber confirmed the precautionary measure for Eva Kaili, who will have to remain in Haren prison, in the north-eastern suburbs of Brussels, where she has been held since 9 December on corruption charges.

Eva Kaili’s lawyers have prepared the defensive strategy to prove the innocence of the Greek parliamentarian. Today all the spotlights are on the former Vice-President of the European Parliament. Eva Kaili , this morning did not make any statement before the judges of the council chamber of the Court of Brussels. This was reported by the woman’s leagli, Andrè Rizopoulos and Mihailis Dimitrakoupolos, at the end of the hearing.

Meanwhile, the first statements from the lawyers of the Greek parliamentarian are coming. Mihalis Dimitrakopuolos , Eva Kaili’s lawyer, seems optimistic. When asked by Journalists present at the Brussels courthouse, he tried to tone it down: “It has never been corrupted and I hope they will release it soon” . Words that seem to exonerate Eva Kaili, the Greek MEP who ended up at the center of the Qatargate scandal. according to what emerged from the investigation papers, the partial admissions of the former vice president of the European Parliament do not seem to worry the woman’s lawyers. According to the lawyers, the press reconstructions do not correspond to the truth. According to what emerges from the papers, Kaili would have done partial admissions.”She knew of her husband’s past activities with Mr Panzeri and that suitcases of banknotes passed through his apartment” and admitted that she “gave her father instructions to hide the money”. This was written by the Belgian judge who is investigating Qatargate in the arrest warrant for the Pasok MEP. Kaili spoke to investigators in a report partially reported by Il Fatto Quotidiano . And she, returning to the question of the money, would have confirmed that “the money belonged to Panzeri ” , who “had left some money and had then come to get it” . ” She trusts Francesco more than her apartment “.Eva Kaili would have added that the banknotes were in her home as she enjoyed “parliamentary immunity” .

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