In our upside-down world, the Democrats are now conservative; they endeavor to conserve the Constitution and America’s democratic republic. The Republicans, no longer the Party of Lincoln and Reagan, have mutated into a Party of authoritarianism — Trumpism and the MAGA cult — effectively rendering November’s election a showdown between democracy vs. autocracy.
There were no mentions of the Party’s prior standard bearers and heroes at the Republican National Convention (RNC) Nazi Unity Hate Rally. The Trump cancer of narcissism has metastasized to consume the entirety of the Party, now suffering from stage 4 cancer of the soul. Trump contagion threatens to spread through the rest of America and onwards to contaminate the world.
Already, in 2017, Trump slashed $8.8 billion in US global health assistance, including access to contraception in Kenya, which increased back alley abortions.
Trump’s Protecting Life in Global Health Assistance (PLGHA) policy substantially reduced the supply and usage of contraceptives in African countries highly dependent on US global health assistance. PLGHA requires foreign non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that receive global health assistance to agree that they will not perform or actively promote abortion as a method of family planning.
Notably, two of the largest and most vocal organizations that have attempted to assert a global right to abortion on demand, the International Planned Parenthood Federation and Marie Stopes International, declined to agree to PLGHA and therefore forfeited their eligibility for global health assistance funding from the U.S. Government.
“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.”
“1984” by George Orwell
As comedian Bill Maher has put it, MAGA has been a slow-moving coup. The hostile takeover is more or less complete, with the Supreme Court granting presidential (Trump’s) immunity on July 1st, and is on course with November’s election to be a fait accompli.

Trump is woke in that he was the first postmodern president, Cynical Theories author James Lindsay has espoused. Lindsay asserts that Trump traffics in pseudo-reality, a hallmark of postmodernism.
In terms of postmodernism, both Trump and wokeism are post-truth. During Trump’s administration, Kellyanne Conway typified our postmodern age with her infamous assertion of “alternative facts.” Wokeism, based in part on postmodernism, eschews any notion of reality and objective truth, instead positing that any assertion of so-called reality is biased and embedded with power dynamics, a central figure and spearhead of postmodernism, being French philosopher Michel Foucault (1926-84).
In other post-truth “facts,” Sen. J.D. Vance and now Trump’s VP pick, claims to be a man of the people with his humble roots in downtrodden Appalachia in Middletown, Ohio; however, he is a hypocrite and a dishonest broker. Not only did he start a sham non-profit “focused on ending the opioid epidemic” that, in reality, funded his political aspirations, but he also decried the role of Silicon Valley in economically decimating Appalachia while hypocritically making his money in the San Francisco Bay Area.
He’s also a traitor against his Yale law school pedigree in that he embraces lawless MAGA; an autocrat’s agenda is to replace the rule of law with rule by the lawless. This transformation is perfect for a mendacious, greedy platform of Republicanism Trumpism.
Once a Never Trumper who called Trump “America’s Hitler,” a “moral disaster,” and “cultural heroin,” now Vance is an all-in cult member with no moral compass. Narcissists also have no moral compass; they are amoral. It’s a short line between being amoral (postmodernity’s moral relativism) and being immoral.
“Narcissistic leadership is a theater production. The cultish leader demands the suspension of judgment and the attainment of depersonalization and derealization and loads and loads of amnesia. The narcissistic leader is a dissociative leader. He thrives on forgetfulness, on lies, on distortions, on negating the truth and facts” (Narcopath Leaders Took Over the World, Prof. Sam Vaknin)
And to top it all off, J.D. Vance is a raging misogynist and a walking disaster for women. Birds of a feather flock together; an adjudicated rapist, Trump, has found his complement in J.D. Vance.
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