Otis De Marie

Otis De Marie is a journalist specializing in the intersection of politics and economics and has an in-depth understanding of geopolitics and foreign affairs.
44 Articles

North Korea’s Pivot to Iran Signals a Shift in Global Politics: Is NATO Prepared for a Changing World?

This voyage marks a clear pivot by Pyongyang toward strengthening its ties with Tehran, hinting at a possible…

Russia Cracks Down on Corruption to Improve Military Goals in Ukraine

The focus of the investigation spans from 2021 to 2023, scrutinizing Kuznetsov's earlier assignments. Allegedly, he accepted bribes…

How Russian Influence is Testing the Limits of Freedom in Georgia

This vote concluded a weekend charged with public dissent. Starting Saturday night, Tbilisi's streets swelled with tens of thousands of…

Catalonia’s Independence Movement Faces Election Setback: What’s Next for the Region?

Carles Puigdemont, who has been living in exile since 2017 when he was deposed by Madrid, saw his hopes…

Germany Pledges Strong Military Presence in Lithuania by 2027

As he stood amidst the sprawling, sparsely vegetated terrain of Lithuania's largest military training area, Scholz was not just another observer. The…

Macron and Xi Discuss Ukraine, Economic Ties in High-Stakes Paris Talks

Despite the reassurances, Xi's public silence during the joint statement with Macron raised eyebrows. Nonetheless, he later articulated…

American Campus Protests Reflect a Nation at Odds Over Middle East Policy

The drama at Columbia University unfolded similarly but with its own unique fervor. Protesters there took a more audacious step…

Mulino Charts a New Course for Panama After Decisive Election Victory

The election cycle was heavily shadowed by the figure of Ricardo Martinelli, Mulino's ally and the original presidential…

Calls for Netanyahu’s Resignation Amplify at Protests Over Hostage Crisis

The video, which the Israeli government condemned as a tool of psychological warfare by Hamas, concluded with a…

Public Unrest Swells in Armenia Over Territorial Concessions to Azerbaijan

The terms of the agreement stipulate that the border will be realigned to conform with the boundaries established…

Macron Calls for European Autonomy in Landmark Speech

Macron's speech was not merely a routine political discourse. It was a call to action in response to…

Global Military Spending Hits New Heights Amid Rising Geopolitical Tensions

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper), In a world increasingly fraught with conflict and geopolitical tension, the burgeoning figures for global…

The Silent Struggle for Press Freedom in China

A crucial aspect of this landscape is the issue of access. For many foreign correspondents, particularly those from…

Funding Controversy: How The EU Plays a Role in Tunisia’s Democratic Backslide

The "Tunisia deal" emerged from the EU's strategic imperatives to manage migration flows from North Africa, a region…

From Prisoner to President: How Faye’s Manifesto Became a New Chapter for Senegal

With the official election results pending, the air in Senegal is thick with anticipation. Faye's journey to the…