Sibelco Relocates Top Positions from Antwerp to Bilbao Due to Labor Costs

Sarhan Basem

Antwerp (Brussels Morning) – Sibelco is relocating top positions from Belgium to Spain due to lower labor costs causing tensions with unions. The company is facing a massive lawsuit from a former employee.

At Sibelco around 25 big bosses got a letter saying either move to Bilbao or find a new job. The company wants to cut a bunch of top positions or relocate to Spain because it’s cheaper there. The unions are not happy about it calling it a sad situation. According to Christophe Van Audenhove from the union no one has agreed to the deal yet.

What are the Key Factors Behind Sibelco’s Decision to Relocate Jobs from Antwerp to Bilbao?

Ivo is really going all out by demanding a massive 3.22 billion euros from Sibelco. He openly admitted that his feelings of resentment are playing a part in this demand.

Sibelco is moving jobs from Antwerp to Spain. If employees don’t agree the company is looking for other options internally. If that doesn’t work out they might have to let people go. Those who got the offer are already looking for new jobs. The decision to move jobs to Spain is interesting it’s cheaper there.

In Belgium the cost of labor per hour is more than 47 euros which is quite expensive for the company. On the contrary in Spain the cost of labor per hour is only 24.6 euros which is a lot cheaper. This significant cost difference is a key reason why Sibelco is thinking about transferring jobs to Spain.

In Spain  it’s way cheaper for companies to hire people compared to here in Belgium. This high cost of labor is a big problem for our country. It’s not just Eastern Europe that we need to worry about Southern Europe is also a concern. Sibelco is even looking for more staff for their Bilbao office. People are worried that the company might move its base from Belgium especially since.

Sibelco has deep roots in the Kempen region and has been around for over 150 years. The company is mainly owned by the wealthy Emsens family from Antwerp operates in many countries and has over 8,000 employees.

High Wages and Energy Costs Threaten Industry Survival

Working just twenty kilometers away means you can still commute from your current location without much hassle. On the other side moving to Bilbao is a significant change. It’s not just about the distance it involves a whole new environment potentially a different culture and a major adjustment in your daily routine.

Sibelco can’t make its top employees move it’s against the rules. If you refuse to move with your job they can let you go. When it involves a larger group there are specific rules to follow. Last year Sibelco made over 2 billion euros in sales and a profit of 414 million euros. According to Pieter Timmermans from the Federation of Belgian Enterprises Sibelco’s situation is a warning sign for our industry. The industry is struggling due to high energy costs permit uncertainties and especially high wages in our country. Businesses have to decide where to spend their money and if it goes to wages it can’t go to other investments. This should be a wake-up call for our leaders to make changes in this area.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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