Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper)In Belgium, Ministers earn EUR44,450 per year, or EUR21 per hour. The salary range for Ministers is EUR32,284 to EUR54,455, depending on the level of education. A Master’s degree is the minimum educational requirement for a minister. The data on the salaries of Belgian ministers comes from the European Research Institute (ERI). The costs of the country’s government are based on actual housing sales and gasoline prices, and effective income tax rates.

The salaries of Belgium’s ministers are high compared to those of other countries. Prime Minister Charles Michel receives a EUR9,285 gross monthly salary, which is 170 percent higher than the national average. According to the same data, ten percent of the highest-paid occupations in Belgium are bartenders and waiters, as well as experts in the exact sciences. While the average salaries of Belgian ministers are higher than those of other European Union countries, the capital city of Brussels is one of the richest cities in the world. In 2012, employees in Brussels earned EUR2,176 gross monthly salary, a 15-percent above the national average. Flemish Brabant and Antwerp arrondissements also rank highly financially.
Charles Michel is a Belgian politician. He is currently the President of the European Council and served as Prime Minister from 2014 to 2019. His salary is mentioned in this article because it was last updated in 2012, and there have been no new salary details released about the salaries of Belgian ministers. If you want to know about the salaries of Belgian ministers, you can find out the details on their official websites.
Currently, Belgium has 21 members of the European Parliament. The national ministers meet regularly to adopt laws and coordinate policies. The Belgian government has representatives in the Council of the EU. Although the Council of the EU does not have a permanent president, the presidency is rotated every six months. The ministers of the council’s presidency determine the agenda for the meetings and facilitate dialogue with other EU institutions.
The salary of a minister in Belgium is considerably higher than the salaries of the average worker. In Belgium, the five-day workweek is the standard for all employees. In addition, the salaries of ministers are often higher than average employees’ in their home countries. While the salaries of Belgian ministers may not be as high as those of their American counterparts, their pay is much lower than theirs in the US.
The salaries of Belgian ministers are higher than the salaries of their public servants in the United States. In the United Kingdom, the average salary of Belgian ministers is three-thirds of the average salary in the EU. However, in Belgium, the salaries of civil servants in this country are lower than the national average. The highest-paid members of the government are those with a master’s degree, while those with a bachelor’s degree earn a half of the average wage.