Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper) An open letter on the topic connected to measures of the EU to support Ukrainian students, young people, teachers, and educators in these extremely challenging times from the Erasmus+ program was submitted by 73 members of the European Parliament.
In the letter addressed to the European Commission, which is an initiative from MEP Daniela Rondinelli it was asked – what actions are intended to be put in place to guarantee the right to education and university continuity of all Ukrainian refugee students in the EU?
The MEPS also underlined the question It is considering the possibility of launching an extraordinary “Erasmus4Ukraine” program for university students, which provides free enrolment in the current year; an exception to the “learning agreement” between universities and the recognition of qualifications and credits acquired in the universities of the Member States?
In the letter, it is asked that does the EU intends to finance the aforementioned activities using the unspent funds during the pandemic for youth mobility provided by the Erasmus+ program?
Daniela Rondinelli (NI), Magdalena Adamowicz (PPE), Bartosz Arłukowicz (PPE), Petras Auštrevičius (Renew), Simona Baldassarre (ID), Marek Paweł Balt (S&D), Pietro Bartolo (S&D), Lars Patrick Berg (ECR), Robert Biedroń (S&D), Adam Bielan (ECR), Vilija Blinkevičiūtė (S&D), Andrea Bocskor (NI), Damian Boeselager (Verts/ALE), Franc Bogovič (PPE), Carlo Calenda (Renew), Maria da Graça Carvalho (PPE), Fabio Massimo Castaldo (NI), Leila Chaibi (The Left), Olivier Chastel (Renew), Caterina Chinnici (S&D), Salvatore De Meo (PPE), Anna Deparnay Grunenberg (Verts/ALE), José Manuel Fernandes (PPE), Laura Ferrara (NI), Loucas Fourlas (PPE), Mario Furore (NI), Alexandra Geese (Verts/ALE), Chiara Gemma (NI), Vlad Gheorghe (Renew), Dino Giarrusso (NI), Raphaël Glucksmann (S&D), José Gusmão (The Left), Andrzej Halicki (PPE), Pierrette Herzberger-Fofana (Verts/ALE), Ladislav Ilčić (ECR), Irena Joveva (Renew), Rasa Juknevičienė (PPE), Beata Kempa (ECR), Łukasz Kohut (S&D), Athanasios Konstantinou (NI), Ewa Kopacz (PPE), Andrey Kovatchev (PPE), Elżbieta Kruk (ECR), Andrius Kubilius (PPE), Camilla Laureti (S&D), Morten Løkkegaard (Renew), Benoît Lutgen (PPE), Pierfrancesco Majorino (S&D), Aušra Maldeikienė (PPE), Marisa Matias (The Left), Beata Mazurek (ECR), Liudas Mažylis (PPE), Dan-Ştefan Motreanu (PPE), Andżelika Anna Możdżanowska (ECR), Jan-Christoph Oetjen (Renew), Juozas Olekas (S&D), Urmas Paet (Renew), Lídia Pereira (PPE), Dragoş Pîslaru (Renew), Nicola Procaccini (ECR), Emil Radev (PPE), Luisa Regimenti (PPE), Eugenia Rodríguez Palop (The Left), Bronis Ropė (Verts/ALE), Mounir Satouri (Verts/ALE), Radosław Sikorski (PPE), Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (NI), Ivan Štefanec (PPE), Nicolae Ştefănuță (Renew), Dominik Tarczyński (ECR), Valdemar Tomaševski (ECR), Romana Tomc (PPE), Witold Jan Waszczykowski (ECR), Kosma Złotowski (ECR)
MEPs send Open Letter urging Erasmus + to prevail for Ukraine

Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.