FC Sint-Niklaas upgrades facilities, faces break-In challenges during construction

Sarhan Basem
Credit: Herwig Hanssen

Sint-Niklaas (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): FC Sint-Niklaas is upgrading its sports facilities including a new pavilion, swimming pool and football fields but has faced break-in attempts that have caused damage and financial strain leading them to limit access to the site during construction.

At FC Sint-Niklaas they’re working hard to upgrade the place. They’re building a new sports pavilion with better stuff like new changing rooms and bathrooms. They might even have spaces for meetings or events. Besides that they’re also putting in a new swimming pool for fun and swimming lessons. And they’re creating more football fields for training and matches to keep up with the demand and make a lively sports community. While all this is happening the site including the football fields might be closed for now to keep everyone safe. It has been said this might affect local kids who used to play there especially during holidays. But once everything’s finished the new facilities will be fantastic for the area. They’ll have sports places that bring people together through sports and fun. People can look forward to a fresh FC Sint-Niklaas site that not only meets current needs but also helps future generations enjoy sports.

What challenges is FC Sint-Niklaas facing during their facility upgrades?

The boss at FC Sint-Niklaas Chairman Herwig Hansen is worried about some people trying to break in at the site. Because of this they’re limiting access to stop more break-ins. In just one week there were two tries to get in causing a lot of damage. This has made things tough for the club both money-wise and in terms of managing everything. They’re locking up the site to keep the construction safe and avoid any stealing or damage to the tools and stuff there. Hansen says it’s crucial to secure everything to protect the money they’re putting into the new sports pavilion, swimming pool and football fields. The club’s main goal now is to make sure the construction site is safe and fix things up after the break-in attempts.

The folks at FC Sint-Niklaas shared more about the break-in tries. The intruders tried to get in through the kitchen but the alarm went off and spooked  them. They didn’t take anything. Still it caused damage that needs fixing right away putting more pressure on the club’s finances. After the first failed try the bad guys came back and tried to break through safety glass with a brick. But they couldn’t get in but the club had to fix the broken glass. These incidents have made the club worried and annoyed about keeping the site safe during construction. They’re locking things up tight to stop more problems and safeguard the money they’re putting into the new facilities.

The FC Sint-Niklaas team is fed up with having to fix things all the time which costs a lot of money. That’s why they’re closing the gates. Local kids used to come play football and have fun during the holidays on some of the artificial grass fields but not anymore. By shutting the gates nobody can get onto the fields. The team is tired of constantly making repairs and spending a ton of money on them.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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