Difference Between Flirting And Harassment

Sarhan Basem
credit: donnaoriowo

Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Harassment and flirting are in some way treated as sexual harassment. However, these are two different terms but they have a very thin line between them. It can be difficult to differentiate between them as they are similar to each other.

The line between sexual harassment and flirting is blurred. Both are considered to be violent or inappropriate. To find out the difference between the two behaviors, a clear distinction must be drawn.

What Is Harassment? 

Sexual harassment is an act when an individual makes unwanted sexual advances to the other person. Apart from sexual advances, this act could include signs like making obscene remarks and touching the person without any reason. Touching the other person’s private areas, or naked body parts, including hands is considered sexual harassment.

In a workplace, sexual harassment is the sexual advances made by a person. It is verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature. Any kind of request for sexual favors could also be regarded as harassment. If a senior staff tries to lure a junior to get involved in a sexual activity to get favors on the job, then it can be taken as sexual harassment in most countries.

What Is Flirting? 

Flirting is a behavior that includes passing remarks or showing advances toward a person you are sexually attracted. An act is considered flirting when it is done in a playful way rather than with a serious intention. The person flirting is called a flirt and could be considered as a result of being overly friendly with someone. That friendliness is often interpreted as seduction.

Examples of flirting could include blowing kisses and giving away phone numbers. Blinking the eye or showing signs of affection are also considered flirting. If you constantly keep talking about someone’s body or touch them include a flirting gesture as well. Complimenting someone to the point that makes them uncomfortable is also interpreted as flirting.  

Sexual Harassment Vs. Flirting

The line between flirting and sexual harassment must be drawn to understand the difference between the two. If you understand the two, then you can protect yourself from getting exploited by someone. We live in a world where any form of flirting can be mistaken as harassment.

It is crucial to understand that the boundaries between your colleagues or friends must be set properly. This will help you to avoid getting into any unnecessary cases that can be misunderstood and end up the wrong way.

Difference Between Sexual Harassment and Flirting

There is a thin line between sexual harassment and flirting but the differences are quite prominent and can be understood well. Here are the major differences that set the two apart from each other.

1.Difference In The Meaning

Sexual harassment means any kind of unwanted sexual advances made to a person. These advances include making obscene remarks and sending sexually suggestive messages. Any kind of touching of one’s bare body parts is also considered sexual harassment. Flirting, on the other hand, is a behavior that suggests that one is attracted to the other person sexually.


More often, flirting is intended as a playful gesture and is often welcomed by people. It is okay if it is happening between two people who have an interest in each other. Sexual harassment, on the other hand, is the involvement of actions that can make the other person feel uncomfortable.

3. Nature 

Sexual harassment is one-sided and flirting is reciprocal. Flirting is positive touching while sexual harassment can be negative and unwanted touching. Flirting could make you feel happy, while sexual harassment in most cases will have negative effects on the person.

The victim will end up getting sad, disrespected, and angry. Sexual harassment can be demeaning, and unwanted while flirting is wanted, open, and flattering. Flirting can improve the self-esteem of the person while sexual harassment can produce negative effects on the person.

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Flirting will make you feel wanted. It boosts your confidence level because you feel wanted. People flirting with each other will be glad that there is someone who considers them attractive. If flirting is done moderately then it could leave positive effects on a person.

 If it is done with good intentions, then both parties would be okay with it. However, sexual harassment will make you feel unattractive and force you to feel that people only consider you for sexual activity. You will feel degraded and might end up facing mental health issues. It is important to get help if you face harassment.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.