Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper), The event, organized by the outgoing Green MEP Ignazio Corrao, was strongly desired to discuss the work carried out in recent years by the former president of the Nebrodi Park, and candidate in the European elections with the M5S, in the fight against the mafia, as well as specifically about the Antoci protocol.
The candidate of the 5 Star Movement for the upcoming European elections, Giuseppe Antoci, was presenting himself at the European Parliament. It’s the event organized by the outgoing Green MEP, Ignazio Corrao, who strongly wanted this meeting to introduce the candidate and discuss the work done in recent years in the fight against the mafia, both by the former president of the Nebrodi Park and by Corrao himself, who during his two terms, among other things, fought to give the fight against the mafia a more European dimension, extending beyond national borders.
Alongside Corrao and Antoci, who have always collaborated (over the years they have often worked hand in hand in the field of fighting the mafia, bringing concrete proposals to the chamber), there was also the Journalist Giuseppe Pipitone, an expert on organized crime in Italy who illustrated the risk of weakening the fight against the mafia at the governmental level in Italy; Marcella Militello, representative of the “Basta!” association and the “Chance” network with whom Antoci and Corrao discussed a manifesto that was presented during the event and which contains a series of points on the fight against the mafia at the European level; Sabrina Pignedoli, an investigative Journalist who had brought important cases to Parliament; and finally, Journalist Diego Gandolfo, currently a member of Ignazio Corrao’s staff, who years ago investigated funds stolen from agriculture with documentation that showed the world what the Mafia dei Pascoli is, winning the Morrione award.
During the event, precisely to show how nowadays the main activity of the Mafia dei Nebrodi has become the procurement of European funds, Antoci focused precisely on the anti-mafia protocol promoted by him, which has gone from being a local measure (in the provinces of Enna and Messina) to an Italian state law, presenting its results. A protocol whose idea is to be able to apply it in all Member States of the European Union, also in light of an opinion given by the European Commission following a question from Corrao, within which the same commission has defined it as a model to follow.
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