Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Lieve Truyman accepted the parliamentary position in Temse after Anneleen Van Bossuyt stepped down from her ministerial role as Asylum and Migration Administrator. The opportunity to work as a new government official brings her joy, but she chooses to stop teaching because dual office positions are forbidden.
A federal parliamentary seat will be held by Lieve Truyman of Temse after Anneleen Van Bossuyt becomes Minister of Asylum and Migration. Truyman will officially swear her oath as a member of the N-VA party to enter the federal parliamentary office tomorrow at the Brussels ceremonies, representing her first experiences in the federal parliament.
She completed her East Flanders electoral campaign by securing 5,301 votes and demonstrated both anticipation and fear about the responsibilities of her new role.
“It is the first time that I will sit in the federal parliament,”
She stated.
Regulation has forced her to suspend the teaching position at Sint-Jorisinstituut in Bazel because it does not allow combining parliamentary work with educational responsibilities.
“Teaching is not allowed anymore for a while,”
She said, expressing concern for her students.
Truyman begins her first day by hearing general information from parliamentary clerks and receiving guidance from her party colleagues. She will swear her oath at approximately 2:30 or 3:00 PM before the government statement gets explained.
“I already know that I’ll get some general information from the clerk first. And my fellow party members will also show me the ropes,”
She added. The transition marks an important milestone in her political career.
“At first, I thought I could combine my political activities and my teaching, but last night, I discovered that that is not allowed,”
She explained. She approved of the rule but shared her disappointment in its negative effect on her student population.
The parliamentary focus areas within the N-VA party remain unassigned because of ongoing internal discussions.
“We still have to discuss that within the party,”
Truyman said, noting that committee positions may open up following the government formation.
She declared readiness to work in any assigned position, but she specifically wanted assignments in Home Affairs and Employment.
“My personal interest is in Home Affairs and Employment, but I will wholeheartedly accept any commitment that is offered to me.”
Truyman’s entry into federal politics comes amid significant changes within Belgium’s political landscape following the formation of a five-party coalition government led by Bart De Wever of N-VA.
What is the political context behind Truyman’s appointment?
Belgium formed its coalition government after the June 2024 elections by combining N-VA with Christian Democrats and Reformist Movement liberals as well as Flemish Social Democrats. The government alliance controls 81 out of the 150 seats available in the Belgian parliament. The national voting participation reached 87.4%, and 7.3 million citizens exercised their democratic rights.
The voting engagement in East Flanders reached high levels when Truyman received 5,301 ballots out of the total votes. The political region of East Flanders continues to demonstrate high voter participation rates, which surpass national trends when federal elections occur. Contrary to Belgium’s governance rules, Truyman maintains two public offices, one as an educator and one as an elected official.