Sourour A.’s Death In Police Cell: Family Doubts Suicide

Editorial Team
Credit: Archief

Sourour A. (46) died on Thursday morning in the commissariat of the federal police in Koningsstraat. Suicide according to the police, but the family does not believe in that. Committee P has launched an investigation. A memorial service will be held today, Sunday.

This is reported by RTBF.

Thursday morning at 6 a.m. Sourour A. (46) died in the commissariat of the federal police in Koningsstraat. The woman with Tunisian roots had been arrested a few hours earlier in a state of drunkenness at the Kasteleinsplein in Ixelles. The exact reasons for the arrest are not yet known, but she was transferred to a sobering cell. Around 7 a.m., the police officers found the lifeless body of Sourour A.

Initial findings suggest suicide. She would have strangled herself with her sweater, but the family does not believe that hypothesis, the family’s lawyer told RTBF. “This seems impossible.” Moreover, she would not be a person with suicidal thoughts, according to the family. She has a 19-year-old son with whom she lives, who meant everything to her.

The public prosecutor’s office and Committee P have launched an investigation. There are camera images from the police station and the result of the autopsy should be known on Monday.

It is not the first time that a suspicious death has been reported in a police cell in Brussels. In January 2021, an Algerian died in a cell. In the same month, Ibrahima Barrie, with Guinean roots, died in a police cell of the North zone. And at the end of January 2021, another Algerian died in a cell of the Brussels police.

The Présence et Action Culturelles movement, for which Sourour worked, will hold a memorial tonight in Rue Royale, in front of the commissariat where the woman died.

This article is originally published on

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