Knife attack at Sint-Jans-Molenbeek party leaves three injured

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: VRT NWS

Sint-Jans-Molenbeek (The Brussels Morning Newspaper):  A 15-year-old boy attacked three people with a knife at a Sint-Jans-Molenbeek party involving drugs. One victim was seriously injured but is stable. The suspect has been arrested.

At a party in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek things got out of hand when a 15-year-old reportedly pulled out a knife during an argument. This led to three people getting hurt with knife wounds. The gathering started as a regular social event but ended in violence. The injured people were helped by the emergency services. The police are looking into why the fight happened and what led to the knife attack. They are focusing on the 15-year-old involved to understand what happened and how it affected everyone.

What led to the knife attack by a 15-year-old at a Sint-Jans-Molenbeek party that left three injured?

At a party in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek, things got violent when a 15-year-old attacked others with a knife during a fight. Three people got hurt. One of them was in bad shape at first but now they’re doing better. At the party in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek there was laughing gas and cannabis being used. The 15-year-old who attacked with a knife has been taken into custody.

The 15-year-old has been arrested and is dealing with the law. Since the suspect is a kid the investigation is being handled by the prosecutor’s office in his hometown, Willebroek, instead of where the incident happened. The case file has been sent to the Antwerp prosecutor’s office which will take care of everything according to the rules for cases involving minors.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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