2023-2024: Empowering Others Through Public Speaking: A Journey of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Impact

Karina Iskandarova

Belgium (Brussels Morning), 2023-2024: Empowering Others Through Public Speaking: A Journey of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Impact

As I reflect on the journey that has led me to this moment, celebrating the first anniversary of being the proud founder of CharismaWorks, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and purpose. This milestone not only marks a year of growth and innovation but also serves as a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and the pursuit of one’s dreams.

My journey began with a thirst for knowledge and a deep commitment to making a difference in the world. Armed with a BA in International Relations and later a Master’s degree in Global Affairs, both earned with scholarships, I embarked on a path that would take me across continents and through diverse experiences, shaping me into the person I am today.

Studying in the United States for my master’s degree was a transformative experience, one that exposed me to new ideas, perspectives, and opportunities. It was during this time that I had the privilege of working with esteemed organizations such as the United Nations, NATO, and the Tactics Institute for Counterterrorism. These experiences not only broadened my understanding of global affairs but also instilled in me a profound sense of responsibility to contribute to positive change in the world.

As an educator in universities, I had the privilege of nurturing the next generation of leaders sharing my knowledge, insights, and experiences to inspire and empower others to reach their full potential. It was through these interactions that I discovered my passion for teaching, mentorship, and helping others unlock their talents and abilities.

Driven by a desire to combine my expertise in global affairs with my passion for communication and leadership, I founded CharismaWorks. It was a natural progression, a culmination of my diverse experiences, and my unwavering belief in the power of effective communication to drive meaningful change.

Moreover, my entrepreneurial pursuit was fueled by a profound realization: a palpable void existed within the realm of public speaking. The pervasive anxiety individuals experienced, even in intimate group settings, could not be overlooked. This realization ignited a passion within me to conceive innovative solutions and strategies aimed at ameliorating this prevalent challenge. By doing so, I focused on the personal and professional development of countless individuals, empowering them to thrive in diverse spheres of life: Personal and professional.

But starting from scratch in a new city meant facing numerous challenges, from building a network of clients and collaborators to establishing credibility and trust in a competitive market. It required a leap of faith, a willingness to embrace uncertainty, and a relentless drive to turn my vision into reality.

At CharismaWorks, we empower individuals and organizations to become effective public speakers, excel in sales, master the art of self-promotion, and achieve personal and professional growth. Our approach is rooted in innovation, drawing upon cutting-edge techniques, methodologies, and insights to help our clients unlock their full potential and achieve their goals.

But beyond the services we offer lies a deeper commitment to making a difference in the lives of those we serve. We understand that true empowerment goes beyond mere skill-building; it requires nurturing confidence, fostering resilience, and instilling a sense of purpose and passion in everything we do.

With your continued support and trust, I am confident that CharismaWorks will continue to inspire and empower individuals and organizations across the globe shine brighter and reach their fullest potential.

Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey.

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Brussels Morning is a daily online newspaper based in Belgium. BM publishes unique and independent coverage on international and European affairs. With a Europe-wide perspective, BM covers policies and politics of the EU, significant Member State developments, and looks at the international agenda with a European perspective.
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Karina Iskandarova, founder of CharismaWorks, brings over a decade of expertise in public speaking and media representation from Greece to the US. As a Public Speaking Consultant, she supports individuals grappling with speaking anxiety, offering patient and reliable guidance for presentations, university admissions, and job interviews. With a background in Political Science and postgraduate studies in Global Affairs, Karina has collaborated with prestigious organizations such as Amnesty International, the United Nations, and NATO. Her contributions have solidified her reputation as a highly skilled public speaker, recognized on international platforms for her eloquence and impact.
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