Laundromats raise prices due to energy bills: ‘Little room to save’

Shiva Singh

Brussels, (Brussels Morning)- Brussels laundromats fear the energy costs they will have to incur in the coming months. “In August I paid 14,000 euros in energy – five times as much as usual,” Sun Wash said. The chain is forced to raise prices.

Stefanie De Wilde is director of six Sun Wash laundries, two of which are large, in Ganshoren and in Schaerbeek. Since April she no longer has a permanent contract for gas and electricity. She knew that: in Schaerbeek she normally pays 2,800 euros on the energy bill. “In August it was five times as high: 14,000 euros.”

Sun Wash is forced to raise prices by 30 percent. “We can make it that way, but it’s not enough. We also use the company’s reserves,” says De Wilde, to a BRUZZ reporter. Placing solar panels is not an option, before they can install them, the asbestos must be removed from the roof. There is currently no money for a complete renovation of the roof.

“We have little room to manoeuvre,” says De Wilde. “We can’t wash in cold water.” For the time being, there are no premiums for laundromats. “We are very small entrepreneurs, but we use a lot of energy. Technical unemployment does not help us any further: laundromats often only have one employee.”


“It’s not going well at all, I have huge costs,” said Thierry Perquy, the owner of Wash Express in Ixelles. Three types of new costs are piling up: in addition to the high energy bill, the owner has also implemented an indexation of the rent. In addition, Perquy pays tax on the drainage of the water, which has been increased.

The gas bill – laundromats mainly heat the water on gas – was 450 euros per month in May, says Perquy. In the months that followed, that amount was 1,700 euros: more than four times as much. “The price will continue to rise,” Perquy predicts. “I don’t know if I’ll be above zero next year.”

Previously rent was his biggest expense, now it’s gas bill. Perquy is also forced to pass on the costs to the customer. He has recently asked for an extra 30 percent for each wash and the drying cycle has also become slightly more expensive.

Perquy sees no way to conserve energy. “The only alternative is more economical machines, but they also take five times as long.” Perquy doubts whether the customers would still come and wash.

Led lamps

Luc Desplenter owns laundry WASHING’ton in the centre of town. He has already contacted the manufacturer of the washing machines to find out how he can use less energy. “I’ve been told that’s pretty much impossible.”

“I have installed LED lamps and there is no heating. The light switches off automatically at 10.30 pm. I pay 150 euros a month in energy costs, but I have not yet received the invoice. I do not know at all what to expect. It would be interesting if the energy company installed a digital metre.”

Desplenter also owns hotel Le Dixseptieme. “Engie has placed a counter there. If small consumers also had this, they would have more insight into the expenditure. Then they can count it monthly. So they may be faced with a surprise once, but not anymore. The small entrepreneur has to wait a year before he knows.”


Customers also appear to be looking for more transparency. De Wilde has seen slightly more customers at Sun Wash lately. “Today’s consumers want to know exactly what they are going to pay,” she explains.

“Many customers come to us because they don’t know what they are going to pay at home. I even see customers returning who bought their own drying machine during the corona crisis, who are now returning to us, so they know what to pay.”

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