Zwevegem (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Zwevegem trades land with Verhaeghe Brewery, gaining a café and parking near Sint-Amand nursing home. The brewery invests €750,000 to restore the historic Priesterage into a tavern. Mayor Isabelle Degezelle supports the plan.
The city of Zwevegem is trading some land with a brewery. Officials mentioned that this would help the city build more things. The city will have a cafe and parking lot near a nursing home. This will help the nursing home have more space.
They mentioned that the extra parking will also help reduce traffic in the area. The city is also trying to make sure there is enough space for everyone in the area. They said that this would help the city grow and provide for its people, especially older residents.
That is an opportunity for the municipality since the café and the associated parking lot, poles to our residential care centre Sint-Amand and therefore expansion works are possible,
explains mayor Isabelle Degezelle (CD&V).
Will Verhaeghe Brewery’s €750K restoration save priesterage?
The Verhaeghe Brewery is going to fix up the Priesterage building. They want to make it a beautiful place again. The brewery will spend 750,000 euros to make sure the old building is saved and used for something new. They want to make a tavern where people can enjoy their beers.
They are going to invest around 750,000 euros to turn the old rectory into a showcase for the brewery, like a better tavern,
says Verhaeghe Brewery
According to Verhaeghe Brewery, the tavern will be open to everyone, so people can see the old building. This will help save the Priesterage and make it useful again. The building will be a tavern, so people can enjoy beeritsd the history. They mentioned that the town doesn’t have to spend money to fix it. The brewery will do it because they want to use the building.
Verhaeghe Brewery will get ownership of the Priesterage. The building likely dates back to the 16th century. It has been renovated many times but is not fully used now. They mentioned that it needs a lot of restoration work. The brewery is famous for its Flemish red-brown ales, like Duchesse de Bourgogne.
According to officials, they now have a chance to restore and reuse the building. This swap lets the brewery grow its business or use the site for something new. They mentioned that giving the building to a private company with money to fix it ensures it is saved.