When 5G network will be available in Belgium?

Sarhan Basem

The rollout of 5G is already underway in several Belgian cities, including Antwerp. Telenet and Proximus have signed an agreement to operate a shared mobile access network in Brussels. The new service will allow customers to make calls and browse the Internet without any interruption. However, there will be a limited amount of coverage in Antwerp, a city that is more likely to benefit from 5G.

The launch of 5G service in Belgium will come at the beginning of 2021. Broadband Belgium, a telco in the country, has received permission from the Belgian telecom regulator BIPT to roll out its new wireless network in Brussels and later to other cities. The company will focus on the business market, using equipment that is ready for the new technology. When the technology is ready, the company plans to launch the service in the cities. Deputy Prime Minister Alexander De Croo has welcomed this move.

Proximus is the first network operator in Belgium to launch its 5G service. It will initially cover the Dutch-speaking part of the country. Authorities in multilingual Brussels and French-speaking Wallonia have imposed strict transmission level restrictions. While this is an unfortunate situation for Belgian consumers, it is a temporary measure. The network is still in development and will be ready in July 2020. For more information on the Belgian 5G network, sign up for our newsletter. You can also send us your own press releases.

While 5G isn’t available in all areas of the country, it will be available in the capital of Brussels. Until then, it will be possible to use the network for business purposes. But before this happens, it will be up to the government to decide whether to approve the new network. It will be the responsibility of the telecom operators to assess whether the new network will cause health concerns. There are many advantages of 5G, but it is important to know about the risks involved.

The availability of 5G in Belgium is limited but it is on the horizon. Orange has tested several times and is currently experimenting with five-G technology with several major industrial partners in the Port of Antwerp area. This is a way for the telecommunications company to co-innovate with businesses to improve their efficiency and develop new growth opportunities. In addition to this, Orange is collaborating with the Port of Antwerp to connect tugboats. This will increase boat traffic and overall safety.

Although the availability of 5G in Belgium is limited, it will be available in all major cities in the future. The country’s government will also award the frequencies to telecom companies and telecommunications firms. The government will have to provide the necessary infrastructure. But while 5G is not yet ready for the public, it will eventually be accessible to all. The Belgian government will have to decide whether to award the licenses to the three major players.https://www.youtube.com/embed/a0Q6nx9WrZg

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.