Weatherman Weytjens hopeful for warm August despite cool rainy summer so far in Hasselt

Sarhan Basem
credit: hbvl

Hasselt: (Brussels Morning) – Weytjens a weatherman notes that the cool rainy weather this summer is unusual and caused by the jet stream’s position but he remains hopeful for a warm August.

The weatherman Ruben Weytjens noticed that it’s been really rainy for a long time in the country during winter and it might continue into spring. This has made a lot of people curious about what the summer weather will be like. Weytjens mentioned that the weather has been unpredictable and not as warm as expected for this time of year. Weytjens pointed out that there was a short warm period at the end of June which was unusual for this cooler season. This long period of cool weather is different from what people expected so many are hoping for a change to sunny summer weather soon.

Will the Cool Rainy Weather Continue into Summer?

Weatherman Weytiens Offers Hope for a Warm August Last week in Limburg the temperatures reached around 17 to 19 degrees which is not typical for the start of July as Ruben Weytjens also noticed. There’s some improvement coming but Weytjens is still a bit cautious. He mentioned that in the next few days it will gradually get warmer to more normal temperatures for this time of year. There’s no strong high-pressure system so there might be disruptions that could cause some unexpected changes in the weather. This weekend we can expect around twenty degrees in Limburg and on Monday it might get a bit warmer. By Tuesday it could be muggy with a higher chance of rain and thunderstorms. Depending on when the rain comes temperatures could reach between 23 and 26 degrees.

Weytjens, the weather guy says that our country is in a not-so-great spot in the sky called the jet stream. This location lets cool and damp air from the sea come into our area easily. Because of this we’re getting long stretches of cooler and not-so-stable weather which is different from the warm and steady weather we usually get around now.  Weytjens is saying that the weather maps are a bit all over the place. Wednesday and Thursday might be nice summer days but there’s still a chance of showers hanging around. He doesn’t see solid summer weather on the maps for the next two weeks.He mentioned that if you’re looking for real summer vibes you might need to head south. Our country is getting hit by cool sea air due to the jet stream position. Things could change towards the end of July but it’s too early to say. Don’t trust those weather apps showing super hot days in a week. The predictions are too uncertain right now. Weytjens isn’t giving up on summer.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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