Warmest September ever measured in Belgium

Editorial Team

With an average temperature of 18.8 degrees Celsius and a maximum of 24 degrees, the month of September breaks all records in our country this year. It is the warmest September since measurements began in 1833.

“September 2023 was an absolute record month in terms of temperature,” the RMI reported in a press release on Sunday. The average temperature was 18.8 degrees. Normally this is 15.2 degrees. The previous record, 18.4 degrees, dated from 2006. This concerns measurements since 1833.

The record for the average maximum temperature was also broken: 24 degrees compared to the normal 19.5 degrees Celsius. The previous record of 23.4 degrees also dated from 2006, since the start of this measurement in 1982. For the average minimum temperature, the absolute record of 1999 (measurements since 1982) was equaled: 14.1 degrees on average, or 2.8 degrees. warmer than normal. For the first time since observations began in 1892, there was also a heat wave in Uccle (4-11 September) in the ninth month of the year.

Tropical days

There were no fewer than six tropical days (30 degrees or warmer) last month. Normally it is only 0.1 day and it is four days more than the previous record years (2 days in 1906, 1911, 1919, 1949 and 2020). In terms of number of summer days (25 degrees and warmer), the record of 9 days from 2006 was equaled.

Furthermore, the first ten days of the month will go down in history as the warmest first decade of September since observations began. In Uccle, temperatures last month varied between 7.9 degrees, measured on September 24, and 31.9 degrees, on September 10. “This latest value is the third highest since observations began in 1892.” The warmest September measurement was in 2020 (34.3 degrees) and a warmer September day was also recorded in 1929 (32.8 degrees).

The sun shone in Uccle last month for a total of 194 hours and 8 minutes. Normally that is 154 hours and 28 minutes. The number of heavily cloudy to overcast days reached a new low record by four. Finally, it was a rather normal month for precipitation: 64.3 millimeters (normal 65.3 mm) with 8 eight rainy days in Uccle. Normally there are 14.1 days

Worrying records”

“These records are worrying,” says weatherman David Dehenauw during the VTM news. “It is clear evidence of global warming, a sign that the climate is changing. Earlier we also had the warmest June on record.”

You can read how we can prepare cities for increasingly extreme weather in last week’s BRUZZ dossier ‘Climate-proof city’, with inspiration from Copenhagen and Vienna.

This article is originally published on bruzz.be

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