Vlaams Belang MP Roosmarijn Beckers Calls for Responsible Use of Monitoring Software in Schools

Sarhan Basem
credit: en.wikipedia

Brussels (Brussels Morning – February 9, 2024) Flemish Member of Parliament Roosmarijn Beckers has emphasized the importance of schools using monitoring software responsibly, following concerns raised about student privacy. Beckers stressed the necessity for schools to inform and involve students and parents in the decision-making process regarding the use of such software.

Are Schools Safeguarding Student Privacy?

A recent survey conducted by the Flemish Secondary School Students Association revealed that 40% of students harbor concerns about their privacy when using school computers. This has prompted warnings against what has been dubbed as ‘Big Brother at school’, with a call for heightened awareness of student privacy rights. Beckers acknowledged the potential benefits of monitoring software in maintaining student focus and assisting teachers but cautioned against its misuse, especially outside of school hours.

Ensuring Compliance and Accountability

While the decision to implement monitoring software rests with individual schools, Beckers emphasized the necessity of adhering to privacy legislation and ensuring explicit consent from students and parents. She highlighted instances where schools have failed to communicate clearly about the use of such software, urging for stricter oversight and accountability mechanisms to be put in place.

Beckers concluded by calling for increased education and awareness among schools regarding privacy regulations and the responsible use of monitoring software. She stressed the importance of providing certainty to students and parents by ensuring that schools handle these tools in a regulatory and pedagogically responsible manner.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.