UHasselt students invent shower water-saving system to promote sustainability

Sarhan Basem
Credit: Smart Stream

Hasselt (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): UHasselt students developed “Smart Stream,” a system to store cold shower water for later use winning a bronze medal in Europe and aiming to patent and market it.

Some Business Administration students at Uhasselt Korneel De Bruyn, Tiebe Vandevelde, Stiene Rogers and Xander Laenen worked on a project about saving water. They looked at how we waste cold water while waiting for the shower to get warm. They came up with a smart idea to fix this problem and save water. They made a system that saves the cold water you usually waste before the shower gets warm. Instead of letting it go down the drain this system stores it for later use. People can then use this saved water for things like flushing toilets, watering plants or cleaning around the house. It helps save water and encourages sustainability by cutting down on unnecessary water waste in our daily activities. It has been said that this  project is important to find practical and sustainable ways to deal with everyday environmental problems. They worked on a simple household problem and came up with a product that could really help save water in homes and even beyond.

What innovative water-saving product did students from UHasselt develop and what recognition did it earn?

Students from UHasselt created a product called “Smart Stream” to save water in showers. Their idea won them a bronze medal in a competition for student companies in Europe.They mentioned that their success shows how awesome they are at being entrepreneurial and caring about the environment. Their “Smart Stream” not only helps with a common home problem but also fits with the global push for saving water and being eco-friendly. Winning in Europe proves how well their idea promotes taking care of the environment and using resources wisely setting a great example for students all over Europe.

What are the plans of the UHasselt students after winning the bronze medal in Europe for their ‘Smart Stream’ water-saving system?

After winning the bronze medal in Europe those students are now working on selling their “Smart Stream” water-saving system. They want to patent their special tap system that saves cold shower water for later use. Winning the medal has given them a good start in the business world and now they’re getting ready to show their product to potential investors. They plan to talk about not just how it helps the environment but also how it can be successful in the market. By patenting their idea they aim to protect it and stand out from the competition, attracting investors who share their goal of promoting sustainability through smart inventions. Those students are really showing their entrepreneurial drive by working hard to tackle environmental issues with their “Smart Stream” invention. They’re all set to patent it and pitch to investors, aiming to make a big difference in saving water. Their success so far is pushing them towards making “Smart Stream” a hit and getting lots of people to use it.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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