Trefpunt vzw makes events accessible with ramps, signs, and inclusive programing in Ghent

Sarhan Basem
Credit: Dirk Verleyen

Ghent (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): Trefpunt vzw improves accessibility with lowered roads, ramps and inclusive events for people with disabilities.

Jan Hozée from vzw Trefpunt made their place easier to reach for people with disabilities. They made the roads lower and added ramps for wheelchairs. Now everyone including those with limited mobility can move around the area easily and safely. The lowered roads make it simpler to get in and the ramps help people move smoothly between different parts of the place. vzw Trefpunt added a lower counter for people in wheelchairs. Wheelchair users can easily talk to staff and order drinks without any problems. Vzw Trefpunt cares about including everyone and making sure all visitors can join in and enjoy their services without any mobility issues.

How does Trefpunt vzw strive for accessibility and inclusivity in their events?

The non-profit group also puts up signs when there’s only one entrance so visitors don’t have to wander around unnecessarily. They have “atmosphere managers” in pink T-shirts who are there to guide and assist. In their events, they include everyone. They start with the Wild Classical Musical Ensemble, which has members with disabilities. Laïs’ performance is translated into Flemish sign language. They even have a stage specifically for wheelchair users at Sint-Jacobs.

Jan Hozée from the non-profit Trefpunt said that even small changes make a big difference in making their place more accessible and inclusive. He believes in always trying to make things better and being aware of what all visitors especially those with disabilities or mobility issues might need. Jan Hozée sees small changes as big improvements for people using their services. These adjustments can be things like clearer signs, better seating or helpful technologies to make the place more welcoming and easy to use.

How are the organizers of the Ghent festivities improving accessibility for all visitors?

Alderman Bram Van Brackevelt (Groen):

“We see that even small bumps are like barriers. Each year, we make changes to our square, but it’s not perfect yet. In the future, we aim to get everything just right.”

“Every part of the square should be easy for everyone to use. We want to get rid of barriers as much as we can. We’re increasing the number of accessible activities from 13 to 21 like offering salsa classes for the hearing impaired. Our focus is to do even more of that.”

This year the people in charge of the Ghent Festivities have to make sure everything is easy for everyone to use. They are working on this issue in a structured way. They are happy about how the organizers are cooperating and making lots of changes for accessibility, like adjusting stages and planning events.The city has been working with experienced volunteers for a long time. These volunteers join at the start of the Ghent Festivities and point out areas that need improvement. This helps them know what still needs to be fixed, as De Brucker mentioned.Rita has been one of these volunteers for a while now. She said that more efforts are being made to make the Ghent Festivities accessible. Rita is heading to the site to check if all these efforts are making a difference.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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