The Dream of the Founding Fathers brought us Peace and Prosperity

Yvan Verougstraete

(Brussels Morning) – In the aftermath of decades of war, Europe’s Founding Fathers envisioned a bold dream of collaboration to replace competition. Overcoming odds, this dream materialized with the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community and later the European Economic Community. Through economic integration and social cohesion, Europe experienced unprecedented peace and prosperity. However, faced with contemporary challenges like war at its borders and environmental crises, Europe stands at a critical juncture. It necessitates a renewed vision and proactive approach to navigate the complexities of the modern world.

The European project, born from the ashes of conflict, has evolved into a symbol of unity and progress. Yet, as Europe grapples with multifaceted crises and global uncertainties, the need for a new European dream becomes imperative. This article explores the imperative for a revitalized European vision, delving into the challenges faced and proposing a roadmap for a stronger, fairer, and more sustainable Europe.

Why is a new European dream necessary, and how can it address current challenges for a stronger, and more sustainable Europe?

After decades of war and increasingly violent hatred, the Founding Fathers of Europe had a dream, a bold but revolutionary ambition: to overcome resentments and replace fierce competition with a logic of collaboration. Against all odds, this dream became a reality: in 1951, the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was born, followed by the European Economic Community (EEC) in 1957. The aim was to create a common market and a customs union among 6, then 9, then 12 member states. Step by step, the economic integration of different countries and former enemies led to political and social integration, guaranteeing peace, prosperity, and fraternity among European nations.

Over the years and through expansions, establishment of the European Single Market, free movement of goods, services and people, Common Agricultural Policy, launch of the single currency, financial support for disadvantaged regions, student exchange programs such as Erasmus and Horizon for research, etc., the lives of European citizens has been profoundly and positively transformed. For the first time, entire generations of men and women could live sheltered from war, in unprecedented prosperity.

What are the key challenges facing Europe, and how can a new vision address them?

Despite the undeniable success of this common adventure, member states have not yet been able to relinquish more control in matters of fiscal, energy, social, or military sovereignty. Europe remains a giant with feet of clay in a globalized world marked by fierce competition. Today, confronted with war at its borders, and facing a climate, energy, social, and economic crisis, Europe is at a crossroads in its history and needs a new vision.

The European construction of the next decade must necessarily have a completely different face.

  • It must go beyond the dogmas of neoliberalism that it has too long upheld as unquestionable taboos, leading us straight to the pitfalls of tax, social, and environmental dumping.
  • It must take control of its destiny and break free from deadly dependencies. Europe must once again become a Europe of inventors, producers, not just consumers, reliant on American security, Qatari or Saudi energy, Indian medicines, and Chinese goods.

Europe must regain its power to defend its values. In an economy where exchanges have been globalized, where states have lost their ability to regulate the market and protect those who want to move forward. Today, it is no longer public authority that dictates its priorities to the market, but the market that imposes its own rules on states, forcing them to align their social, environmental, fiscal, or health standards with countries applying the lowest standards.

How can Europe address the challenges of globalization while ensuring fairness, sustainability, and protection for its citizens and industries?

But how do we explain to farmers that we accept the import of grains grown 20,000 km away in countries that use herbicides banned in Europe long ago because they are bad for health? How do we explain to our companies that we impose a carbon pricing and ever-stricter standards, while they see their competitors, without the same constraints, growing and gaining market share? How do we explain to workers that, in the absence of being able to tax capital or profits, which are too mobile, the entire burden of financing public services rests on them?

We must question this globalization that drags us down and reestablish a “strategic Europe.” Now is the time for a consciously ecological and economic European power capable of changing the course of history. At Les Engagés, we are convinced that the only achievable utopia, which will allow us to build the world of tomorrow, is the construction of a strong and leading Europe, capable of regulating international competition, protecting those who apply higher environmental, social, or health standards, giving and guaranteeing a chance and a horizon to everyone.

What are the key pillars of the vision for a stronger, fairer, more sustainable, and more humane Europe?

Achieving this Europe means imposing a new dynamic for a stronger, fairer, more sustainable, and above all more humane Europe:

  • Fairer: A Europe that protects, supports the most vulnerable and those who want to move forward (climate, entrepreneurship, social conditions), fights against fraud, dumping, and corruption.
  • Stronger: Building a Europe that defends our strategic autonomy in energy, digital, industrial, agricultural, health, and defense to ensure our security and independence from foreign powers. Also, establishing a powerful Europe, capable of defending itself, that carries geopolitical weight on the international stage and makes its voice heard in the concert of nations.
  • More Sustainable: Building a Europe that guarantees respect for environmental and social limits and undertakes the necessary investments to achieve the Transitions (infrastructure, industry, building insulation, education). A Europe that combines economy and ecology.
  • More Humane: Building a Europe that promotes the development and fulfillment of open-minded European citizens and recognizes the true value of those who “take care” and deal with the immaterial (health, education, culture). A Europe that does not drown our SMEs and farmers under a pile of paperwork, that does not pursue dogmas but has a real vision, a clear and ambitious strategy at the service of Europeans.

This is our creed. Only a strong and protective Europe for its citizens, talents, strategic sectors, democracy, environment, and quality of life, a Europe that creates activity and offers opportunities for all, that exploits its own energy and technological potentials while valuing humans and fighting against dependencies, can stand against extremes or the unfair competition from the likes of Putin and Trump. Only this Europe can perpetuate the hope it embodies and inspires. Only this Europe will be able to restore confidence and shine.

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Brussels Morning is a daily online newspaper based in Belgium. BM publishes unique and independent coverage on international and European affairs. With a Europe-wide perspective, BM covers policies and politics of the EU, significant Member State developments, and looks at the international agenda with a European perspective.
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Yvan Verougstraete, acclaimed as "Manager of the Year" by Trends in 2019, is an audacious entrepreneur renowned for his resilience and innovation. From his early career at McKinsey to founding and leading the successful Medi-Market parapharmacy group, his journey reflects a steadfast commitment to transformative ventures. Now, as he embraces a new chapter with Les Engagés, Verougstraete seeks to challenge conventions and spearhead change in addressing the pressing environmental, social, and financial issues confronting society.