Qatargate: Eva Kaili’s speech to the Parliament, and Presadiretta’s exclusive document sent to the USA

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Belgium, (Brussels Morning Newspaper) After her arrest, Eva Kaili’s words were spoken in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 21 November 2022 during the discussion of the human rights resolution in Qatar went around the world. In his speech in defense of the emirate, Kaili does not choose words at random but uses the same arguments as the Qatari government, as evidenced by an exclusive document filed with the Foreign Agents Registry of the US Department of Justice, in which Qatar addressed to the American Congress to defend its policies on labor and human rights. 

The State of Qatar writes that it has “done more than any other country in the region to strengthen the rights of migrant workers”, because”he introduced the minimum wage” and that “the World Cup accelerated labor reforms” and “the accusations” against him are the result of a “false and defamatory” campaign. Fully aligned with Qatar, Kaili has decided to challenge her own Parliament: “It’s a very strange story,” says Hanna Neumann, the president of the delegation for relations with the Arabian Peninsula, interviewed by Giulia Bosetti in the PresaDiretta investigation “Europe for sale” broadcast on Monday 27 February at 21.20 on Rai3.

Mazzette in the EU, this is how Panzeri and his men worked for Qatar visas: “We offered an amendment to stop those people”
“For two years – he continues – I prepared our trip to Qatar before the World Cup with the ambassador to the European Union, so as to be able to take advantage of the international attention to discuss above all the rights of migrant workers. We were supposed to visit the stadiums and talk to the unions, but in September the Qatari ambassador came to my office and told me: the Qatari parliament cannot receive you.

They just got back from summer break.” Hanna Neumann says that her delegation has been planning for two years: “And after two years they realize that they have just returned from the summer holidays? We had to cancel everything and I advised my colleagues, including Eva Kaili that who is a member of my delegation, that we could not go. Three days later I saw on Twitter that Eva Kaili was in Qatar meeting everyone, the Emir, the Prime Minister, the Speaker, and the Vice-President of Parliament, and was making very favorable statements about what wonderful progress they had made.”

The dismay at what happened provoked Neumann’s reaction: “I got really angry, I sent a message to Eva and I said: ‘Eva, what the hell… They’re making fun of us!’. And when she came back I asked for a meeting and I said to her: ‘Eva, you had to tell me, on a political level you can’t go there and say those things. And she was like, ‘Yeah, but you know, my office should have let you know but they forgot, I’m sorry.’ And a few weeks later she was arrested ”.

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