Neerpedepark pond in Anderlecht transformation into swimming area approved

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: Bart Dewaele

Anderlecht (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): The Neerpedepark pond will be transformed into a swimming area despite opposition from Sauvegardons Neerpede and local groups. Construction is expected to start in 2025 aiming for summer 2026 completion.

The project to transform the middle pond of Neerpedepark into a swimming pond received its environmental permit earlier this year following the approval of the urban development permit. The environmental permit allows for the planned changes which include converting the pond into a recreational swimming area. The Sauvegardons Neerpede group doesn’t like the idea of turning the pond into a swimming area. They think it could harm the plants and animals living there. They are trying to stop or change the project by appealing against the decision to allow it. They want to make sure that the environmental effects were properly thought about before giving permission for the project.

Will local opposition stop the Neerpedepark swimming pond project?

The group Sauvegardons Neerpede along with local people and nature groups think changing the pond into a swimming spot would disturb the plants and animals in the area. They believe it could harm the wildlife and change the peaceful nature of the park that people enjoy. The Anderlecht government is also not happy with the swimming pond idea and has raised concerns about how it might affect the people and nature in the area. They along with Sauvegardons Neerpede want to take another look at the project to make sure it’s good for the environment and the community. This means they will check if the project might need changes or even be stopped.

The try to stop the permit for changing the pond into a swimming area didn’t work. Brussels Environment said the appeal against the permit failed. The permit to change the pond into a swimming area is still valid. Brussels environment said that the concerns from Sauvegardons Neerpede local residents, nature groups and the Anderlecht government weren’t enough to stop the project. They will go ahead with turning the pond into a swimming spot even though some people didn’t agree with it.

Yannick Laurent from Sauvegardons Neerpede says they’re not giving up. They’re still waiting for a decision from the Council of State to cancel the planning permit. Even if the appeals don’t stop the project construction might begin in 2025. The minister in charge, Alain Maron, hopes to have the swimming pond ready for summer 2026.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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