Must-Known Drone Laws in Bali (in 2024)

Sarhan Basem
Credit: balidroneproduction

Bali  (Brussels Morning Newspaper)  Are you considering traveling to Bali? Or are you thinking about taking a drone there? There is no doubt that travelers will love to capture the incredible waterfalls and stunning views. Now the question arises, can you bring drones to Bali? You may need to have a drone permit in Indonesia before taking the final step. Bali has set certain rules for drone flyers. However, flying a drone is completely legal. Drones are incredible flying robots that are getting very popular among people.

General Rules For Flying A Drone In Bali

The aviation industry is responsible for putting up various rules for drone flyers. Bali is brimming with plenty of magnificent and jaw-dropping locations. You can capture all those moments and keep them as a memory. If you are coming from a new country to visit Indonesia, it is necessary to follow the restrictions. Here are must-known drone laws in Bali:

  • You cannot fly a drone above 150 meters without proper permission
  • The drone should not weigh more than 7 kg that is 15.4 pounds
  • Drone flyers cannot flow a drone within 15km of any major airport
  • It is necessary not to flow a drone over the crowd or in heavily populated areas
  • You cannot fly a drone at night
  • If you find any vehicle, you need not fly a drone there
  • Pilots of the drone must remain in the direct line of a visual sight
  • If you don’t follow the right rules, you may be punished by the law
  • Sometimes the drone flyers have to pay a fine of 66,000

What Permits Do You Need To Fly A Drone In Bali?

It is necessary to know in what type of category you can fly a drone. You must understand there are certain limitations when it comes to drone flying.  Two different types of drones include:

1. Private Use

The first category refers to private use and it can be used for recreational flying. Whether you use it as entertainment or sports activity will be up to you

2. Professional Use

If you are flying a drone for professional use you need to follow certain rules regarding it. You can use a drone for covering some news for TV or movie making. Drone flyers can take a drone that has a maximum weight of 2 kg.

If you plan to use a drone that exceeds 2 kg, it is necessary to get a permit. You can get this permit directly from the General Director of the Department of Civil Aviation. In a few cases, you have to carry out emergency equipment with you. Similarly, you must report if any accident happens with your drone. However, you need to make sure that drone use isn’t allowed in heavily populated areas. When you have valid insurance it is easy to fly the drone according to certain rules.

Do Drones In Category Two Require Permission Before Flying?

All the drones that are inside category two require permission before flying. You need to follow simple rules that are available for category-one drones. If you are carrying a drone that is more than 2 kilos, it is necessary to get a license and insurance paper.

You don’t need to have any permission from the Ministry of Transport if you have a category one drone. If you are 18 years above and the weight of the drone is lesser than 2 kilos. In any case, if you don’t follow the right rules, you may get punishment.

It is easy to get a drone permit by getting in touch with DGCA (Directorate General of Civil aviation. They will permit you before you fly a drone in Bali. All you need is to let them know about your details.

Read More: Must-Known Drone Laws in Thailand (in 2023)

Are FPV Drones Allowed In Bali?

FPV drones are becoming one of the most popular categories in RC flying. It gives a new experience to the users that includes drone racing. Getting started with FVP flying isn’t very challenging either. All you need is a drone that is capable of making good-quality videos. All the information will display in real-time.

Once you have set up this type of drone it will give many benefits and can be used for many purposes. Whether it is photography, entertainment, or racing, you can do it all. FPV drones are like all the other drones in categories one and two. You are allowed to fly an FPV drone in Bali keeping in mind all the regulations.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.