Brussels (Brussels Morning) – Georges-Louis Bouchez of MR is open to joining a federal government with Bart De Wever as prime minister. He cited electoral clarity and readiness for centre-right reforms.
Is Georges-Louis Bouchez Open to a Coalition with De Wever?
MR chairman Georges-Louis Bouchez has said that he will have no problem joining a federal government with Bart De Wever (N-VA) as prime minister. “He would have the legitimacy to be that’. Maxime Prévot (Les Engagés), the planned other partner on the other side of the language border, has doubts about De Wever’s “suitability” as Prime Minister.
The MR achieved a substantial election victory in French-speaking Belgium. The voluntarist Bouchez is therefore convinced that a federal government can be formed quickly, because “it was the PS that prevented reforms”, and “although there are not many options, they are quite clear and seem feasible”.
Is Bouchez Ready to Work with Les Engagés?
“This is the first time in a long time that the outcome of an election has been so clear. I even think that there is only one option that is suitable for everyone,” Bouchez alludes to a coalition of MR and Les Engagés on the Walloon side, with N-VA, CD&V and Vooruit on the Flemish side.
“In fact, the French speakers, just like the Flemish, voted for centre-right reforms,” Bouchez also somewhat opens the door for state reform. “We are willing to work on a more efficient state and on the financial responsibility of the regions. We cannot miss this historic opportunity. Bart and I have been saying for years that the problems in this country can be traced back to the PS, which is preventing structural reforms. Are we going to waste time now that the PS is not there?”
Is Bouchez Willing to Overlook Personal Differences?
Bouchez also has no personal problem with De Wever, even though the N-VA chairman has not always been friendly to the MR chairman in the past. “Personal grudge, that doesn’t interest me,” said Bouchez, who therefore does not veto a premiership for De Wever. “He would have the legitimacy to be that. I’m not saying it has to be this way. But he is the leader of the largest party in a democracy. We simply have to respect the voter’s outcome.”
According to Bouchez, Les Engagés must be included in the Walloon side. However, Chairman Maxime Prévot is reacting cautiously for the time being to the possibility of Bart De Wever as Prime Minister. “I have my doubts about his suitability as prime minister,” RTL-TVi said on Monday. “I have a lot of respect for the person Bart De Wever. But I think that if you want to become prime minister, you first have to be able to bring people together,” he said. “One should certainly not have contempt for a large part of the population, and certainly not want to divide the country that one should promote.”