MEPs send Open Letter urging the Home Secretary Priti Patel to reject Assange’s extradition

Sarhan Basem
London, England. 11th September 2020. A mobile billboard featuring WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on it is parked at Lincoln Inn Fields in London. Karl Nesh

Belgium (Brussels Morning Newspaper) Open letter on the topic urging the UK Home Secretary Priti Patel to reject the US government’s request to extradite Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange was submitted by members of the European Parliament.

In the letter addressed to the UK official, it is noted that the official London must take immediate action, and not accept the extradition request presented by the US concerning the publisher and Journalist Julian Assange.

– “We urge you not to accept this request. We believe that the decision will represent a critical moment in the history of the right to know and the rule of law as well as in the life of the defendant. Julian Assange has been held in pre-trial detention in a maximum-security prison for three years without any final sentence passed on him by any court.” – is noted in the letter.

The MEPs underline that the founder of WikiLeaks has contributed to the general understanding of the reasons why a democratic state cannot and must not be the source of serious human rights violations against hundreds of thousands of civilians already oppressed by the arrogance of despots and the absence of fundamental rights.

– “The leading international institutions and organizations dedicated to defending and promoting human rights have spoken out in favor of Julian Assange’s release. These are the same democratic institutions founded in the aftermath of the devastation of the Second World War; we consider them trustworthy, and we join and renew their call for the end of Julian Assange’s detention ” – is noted in the letter.

The MEPs state that their concern is twofold.
– ” On the one hand, the consequences of the prolongation of Assange’s detention could prove fatal for the defendant; on the other hand, his extradition could represent a warning to the press to refrain from collecting and disseminating information even if it is released in the public interest.
We are convinced that it is possible to allow the public to know the reasons behind crucial political and military decisions without conflicting with the security needs of citizens. For these reasons, we appeal to you, State Secretary Patel, not to give the green light to the extradition of Julian Assange.” it’s written in the letter.


Gianni Marilotti, Italian MP
Andrea Marcucci, Italian MP
Riccardo Nencini, Italian MP
Roberto Rampi, Italian MP
Elvira Evangelista, Italian MP
Luciano D’Alfonso, Italian MP
Tatiana Rojc, Italian MP
Sandro Ruotolo, Italian MP
Maurizio Buccarella, Italian MP
Sabrina Pignedoli, MEP

Clare Daly, MEP
Mick Wallace, MEP
Francesca Donato, MEP
Martin Buschmann, MEP
Dino Giarrusso, MEP
Pierre Larrouturou, MEP
Ivan Vilibor SINČIĆ, MEP
Gunnar Günter BECK, MEP
Chiara Maria Gemma, MEP
Carles Puigdemont, MEP
Antoni Comín, MEP
Clara Ponsatí, MEP
Rosa D’Amato, MEP
Joachim Kuhs, MEP
Marcel de Graaff, MEP
Stelios Kouloglou, MEP
José Gusmão, MEP
Daniela Rondinelli, MEP
Ignazio Corrao, MEP
Marisa Matias, MEP
Gunnar Beck, MEP
Laura Ferrara, MEP
Özlem Alev Demirel, MEP
Eleonora Evi, MEP
Marcel Kolaja MEP
Patrick Breyer, MEP
Marc Botenga, MEP
Emmanuel Maurel, MEP
Manu Pineda, MEP
Sira Rego, MEP
Fabio Massimo Castaldo, MEP
Tatjana Zdanoka, MEP
Milan Uhrik, MEP
Tiziana Beghin, MEP
Chris MacManus, MEP
Stasys Jakeliūnas, MEP
Ismail Ertug, MEP
Sandra Pereira, MEP
João Pimenta Lopes, MEP
Mario Furore MEP
Gianni Marilotti, senator
Andrea Marcucci, senator
Riccardo Nencini, senator
Roberto Rampi, senator
Elvira Evangelista, senator
Luciano D’Alfonso, senator
Tatiana Rojc, senator
Sandro Ruotolo, senator
Maurizio Buccarella, senator
Luisa Angrisani, senator
Danila De Lucia, senator
Francesco Verducci, senator
Mino Taricco, senator
Monica Cirinnà, senator
Andrea Ferrazzi, senator
Nicola Morra, senator
Paola Boldrini, senator
Primo Di Nicola, senator
Silvana Giannuzzi, senator
Giuseppe Pisani, senator
Gisella Naturale, senator
Francesco Giacobbe, senator
Luigi Di Marzio, senator
Elena Botto, senator
Fabrizio Ortis, senator
Margherita Corrado, senator
Fabrizio Trentacoste, senator
Simona Nocerino, senator
Marco Croatti, senator
Nicola Morra, senator
Mattia Crucioli, senator
Emma Pavanelli, senator
Maria Laura Mantovani, senator
Davide Zanichelli, deputy

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.
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