Knokke-Heist Chaos: Dutch teens cause trouble during summer break

Lailuma Sadid
Credit: Junior Verbeeke

Knokke-Heist (The Brussels Morning Newspaper): Last night in Knokke Dutch teens caused disturbances leading to police intervention. Some were hospitalized with minor injuries. Increased alcohol consumption among young visitors contributed to the chaos

Last night on 23 July in Alfred Verweeplein in Knokke which is a busy area with cafes there were some issues with Dutch young people causing trouble. The situation got worse and the local police had to step in several times. Steve Desmet the head of police for Damme/Knokke-Heist said it was one of the most stressful nights they’ve had. During the fights some young people had to go to the hospital but their injuries were not serious. The police were able to handle the situation but it was a chaotic night that needed a lot of police attentions.

What issues arise when Dutch teens visit Knokke during summer break?

In the Netherlands students have different summer break times. Some like those from Amsterdam and Hilversum just finished school last Friday. It’s common for many of them to visit Knokke during the first week of their vacation. These groups usually include teens aged 15 to 18 who are on their first trip without parents. They have money to spend on their own so they can have fun during the day and night in Knokke Heist. When these young people come in large numbers it can make places like Alfred Verweeplein busier and sometimes cause issues leading to the tensions and disturbances.

When Dutch teens visit Knokke they can drink beer and wine legally at 16 unlike in the Netherlands where it’s 18. Since many of them are new to drinking this difference can lead to them drinking too much. These groups might already have some issues from school which when mixed with alcohol can cause fights and conflicts. When the teens in Knokke drink a lot especially at night things can get wild. This heavy drinking has played a part in the recent troubles because it can make existing problems worse and cause more fights to happen.

Since last weekend three Dutch cops are now in Knokke-Heist helping out the local police deal with all the chaos caused by Dutch teens. One of these officers is a youth officer from Hilversum where many of these young people are from. The police chief says having the youth officer from Hilversum is really helpful. She knows the kids from there and their parents so when things go wrong she can talk to the parents easily. This helps deal with problems faster and keep things under control better.

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Lailuma Sadid is a former diplomat in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Embassy to the kingdom of Belgium, in charge of NATO. She attended the NATO Training courses and speakers for the events at NATO H-Q in Brussels, and also in Nederland, Germany, Estonia, and Azerbaijan. Sadid has is a former Political Reporter for Pajhwok News Agency, covering the London, Conference in 2006 and Lisbon summit in 2010.
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