Is Gum Disease Hereditary? Symptoms & Prevention

Sarhan Basem

Brussels (Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Gum disease has become common in people all over the world. The disease is growing at an alarming pace among adults globally. There is a high number of people affected by gum disease. Many people wonder what could be the root cause of this disease. Does heredity play a role?

There are many features that we inherit from our family. Is it possible to get gum disease passed on to you by your family? Read the post to find out if this condition is genetic or not and what measures you can take to prevent yourself from getting gum disease.

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease is an infection that causes inflammation of the gums and ligaments. It causes an infection in the bone around the teeth. The major reason behind the emergence of this disease is the bacteria growth left untreated. The diseases move through a cycle of the following stages:


It is the initial phase of gum disease. You may experience bleeding and inflammation in your teeth. At this stage the condition of this disease is treatable, and you can reverse the damages by getting treated timely.

2. Periodontitis

At this stage, permanent damage is done. You need to go through a procedure of deep cleaning to clear the gum pockets infection.

3. Advanced Periodontitis

If you don’t treat the gum disease for a long time it may end up causing serious problems for you. You might end up losing teeth and the roots of teeth might get dissolved due to the secretion of acids. It is important to go through a surgical procedure to get your oral health restored. If you practice oral hygiene efficiently and take care of your dental health properly then this could lessen the chances of damage done to your gums.

Is Gum Disease Hereditary?

According to recent studies, it is possible to have a genetic gum disease. The gum disease condition has been discovered in people who have a family history of gum disease. This condition is called Aggressive Periodontitis. This can cause the patients to rapidly lose bone around their teeth.

Almost 30% of the population who are inflicted by gum disease have a genetic susceptibility. There are more likely to develop an aggressive form of gum disease as compared to people with no genetic history of this disease.

There could be a genetic link leading to gum disease development in people. This development could be due to chronic periodontitis. Genetics is majorly responsible for the development of gum disease. If gum disease is in your family, then you are likely to experience gum problems as well. However, taking proper precautions can help you to prevent this problem.

Is Family Genetics And Gum Disease Connected? 

If your family has a history of gum disease, then you could end up having problems with your gums. Children of parents with periodontitis can develop bacteria that could cause plaque. This plaque could eventually lead to periodontal disease.

Genetic factors play an important role in most cases of periodontal disease. People who have severe periodontal disease have a history of the genetic factors involved. This affects the immune factor interleukin-1 (IL-1) and cytokine. The early onset of periodontal disease is due to strong genetic components.

It is important to take extra care if you want to make a big difference in the future. You must determine whether your family has a history of gum disease or not. If it runs in your family, then you must pay more attention to your oral teeth care routine.

What Are The Symptoms of Gum Disease?

Gingivitis is an early stage of gum disease. If it is left untreated then it could lead to periodontitis. People suffering from this condition may experience tooth loss. It is important to address the infection as soon as possible as this will help you to protect the mouth tissues and gums.

Here are some common symptoms that you must look out for preventing gum disease:

  • Red and tender gums
  • Bleeding while brushing teeth
  • Pus develops between the gums
  • Loose teeth
  • Infection along the gum line
  • Bad breath

What Are The Best Tips To Prevent Gum Disease? 

Even if you are likely to inherit gum disease genetically it doesn’t mean that you cannot take any precautions to prevent it. Here are some tips that can help you to prevent gum disease.

1. Brush Your Teeth

If you want to prevent gum disease, then it is best to brush your teeth regularly two times a day. Make sure to brush your teeth with good toothpaste every morning and night. You should focus on the gum line while brushing your teeth as this will help you to eliminate bacteria.

2. Floss Your Teeth Everyday

Flossing can help you do wonders for your teeth’ health. This will help you to remove all the harmful substances from areas your toothbrush cannot get to. You can remove the bacteria that is located close to the gum line with the help of flossing.

3. Consume A Well Balanced Diet 

It is best to limit your intake of sugary and fatty food. You must stay away from acidic foods. Keeping a balanced diet will give your mouth the necessary nutrients it needs.

4. Say No To Tobacco 

Smoking is bad for your overall health including your gum health. If you smoke often then your gums will find it hard to fight off infection. Make sure to avoid tobacco products as this can increase the risk of periodontal disease and can damage your gums badly as well. 

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5. Pay A Regular Visit To The Dentist 

Seeing your dentist get regular teeth cleanings and examinations will help you to maintain good health for your gums and teeth. If your family has a history of gum disease, then it is best to get examined for gingivitis and get it treated before it gets worse. It is important to be aware of the genetic conditions that will allow you to stay conscious about the health of your teeth.

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Sarhan Basem is Brussels Morning's Senior Correspondent to the European Parliament. With a Bachelor's degree in English Literature, Sarhan brings a unique blend of linguistic finesse and analytical prowess to his reporting. Specializing in foreign affairs, human rights, civil liberties, and security issues, he delves deep into the intricacies of global politics to provide insightful commentary and in-depth coverage. Beyond the world of journalism, Sarhan is an avid traveler, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and enjoys unwinding with a good book or indulging in outdoor adventures whenever possible.