Heysel Rodeo Riders Caught: Brussels Police


Last Saturday, the Brussels local police held a major traffic action on the Heysel plain to tackle so-called rodeo riders. A moped and a car were seized administratively, a dirt bike was seized judicially, and five drivers had their driving licenses revoked for fifteen days. This was reported by the Brussels police on Monday.

The moped was stopped on Square Jules De Trooz, where the driver was riding on one wheel and going through a red light. The driver was also allowed to immediately surrender his driver’s license for fifteen days.

At the Werkhuizenkaai, the police noticed a dirt bike whose driver was not wearing a helmet. The young man refused to stop and a chase ensued that eventually ended in Gallait Street. It turned out to be a 15-year-old boy and his motorcycle was not insured. The vehicle was therefore seized.

In the Maria Christinastraat in Laken, the police stopped a vehicle that was driving at an inappropriate speed and overtook other road users who were driving at normal speed. The vehicle was administratively seized and the driver’s license was revoked for 15 days.

The police stopped two cars at the Royal Parklaan. One driver drove at 110 kilometers per hour and the other drove under the influence of narcotics. Both drivers’ licenses were revoked for 15 days.

Finally, a car was spotted at high speed on Houba De Strooperlaan. The driver ran a red light and was stopped by a patrol. The young man did not have a driver’s license.

“Including this action, 43 vehicles have already been seized administratively and one vehicle judicially for rodeo driving this year,” said the Brussels police.

This article is originally published on bruzz.be

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